Chapter 2: Damnit....

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September 20th, 2021

6 days ever since Evan has found out the truth about his adoption and his real mother; he couldn't handle the stress that was taking over him. Fucking hell why him? Just why? What the fuck did his mom do to deserve this? He didn't know how to react anymore damnit. Taki noticing his behavior as Evan got worse, he isn't energetic to do anything anymore. Zero was just thinking it was one of those days of growing up? He wasn't really sure.

"Hey bud" -Zero

"What...?" -Evan

"What's wrong?" -Zero

"Well I found out the truth..." -Evan

"Truth?" -Zero

Evan then handed the paper to Zero and he looks shocked. This wasn't meant to happen.

"Evan..." -Zero


"I didn't think you were ready to handle it!" -Zero

"Well guess what! You were right! Haha... you're always right..." -Evan

Zero then hugs Evan tight. The warmth of his father's body makes Evan feel comfortable and he then hugs back. This was his dad; he knew Zero wasn't his real dad but couldn't deny he was the one who acts as a real father. Zero kisses Evan's head and sits down with him.

"Even if we're not blood.. that doesn't change how I love you.. you're my first child and always will be.." -Zero

"I love you dad.." -Evan

"Love you too bud.." -Zero

Zach, a good friend of Zero's from his childhood. More of a brother if anything. Not blood, but brother in best friend. Finally coming back to his home town since he doesn't have to work for a month as POP Star. He decides to pay his family a surprising visit. He pulls up near the house and snuck up on Taki who was watering her flowers on the lawn.

"BOO!!!" -Zach

Taki screams and smashes a flower pot off Zach's face. Her eyes widen as she realizes what she did.

"Oh my god! Zach! Are you alright?!" -Taki

"I'm fine I'm fine.." -Zach

Taki takes Zach inside where he is then greeted by a hug from Sophie, happy to see her uncle again after 5 months.

"Hey kiddo!" -Zach

"I missed you so much!" -Sophie

"Heh.. I know you did sweets" -Zach

Zero and Evan head downstairs and greet Zach with hugs after not seeing him for a while. They cheer as Zach informs them that he can stay with them for a month. Best fucking night ever. They celebrate with a big dinner and movie night, Evan and Sophie finally happy to see their uncle for a month and he is staying?! Hell yeah! Adults celebrating with liquor while the kids celebrate by taking pictures and posting it online about how lucky they are to have a famous pop star as their uncle. Finally at night, as everyone is asleep. Evan gets a message from Sam. "Sholk brothers are here." Soon, Evan was already dressed and quickly climbs out his window; but Zach saw him through the living room window and saw him put on his mask. The hell? He thought, he quickly woke up Zero and explained what he saw. They get dressed and armed just in case. There's dangerous shit recently so they have to be prepared. They quickly drive and Zach uses his focus ability to track Evan down.

"What if the kid is doing drugs?" -Zach

"Don't say that damnit- I would hope not" -Zero

Meanwhile, Evan is already at an air field with Sam. She tosses Evan a gun and they start firing at the Sholks and gang around them. Gang member bodies dropping dead around. The younger Sholk pulls out a minigun from his truck and started blasting at Evan and Sam as well as gang members.

The Angel's Son: The new Purple Eye, Batpool #1Where stories live. Discover now