Household Shenanigans

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Laughter and giggles filled the air, as sunlight streamed in through the windows, creating small rainbows on the carpet. For just a few moments, there was a complete and quiet peace; the daisies outside moved gently with the breeze, and the neighborhood cat was curled up on the porch, sunbathing. 

A shadow bolted over the rainbows, though. The shadow belonged to a young woman, who was squealing and laughing as she ran through the living room with a PopTart in hand. A playful grin was spread across her face, as she ran as fast as she good. 

"Hey! Hey, that's my damn PopTart!" A voice shouted behind her. Footsteps thudded behind her, far more powerful, but unable to keep up with her as she leapt over the couch, and bolted into her bedroom. 

"Not anymore!!" She called over her shoulder, laughing like mad as she tried to slam the door shut. His foot was there, first, forcing the door open. His body weight shoved the door back open all the way, and sent her toppling to the floor. 

Before she could even react, he was there, trying to get the pastry from her grasp. "Hey!! No!! It's mine!!" She squealed, giggling as she tried to keep it close to her chest. Her cheeks were flushed red, and a wide grin was painted across her face. 

"No! You stole it from me, you little thief!!!" He corrects her, laughing as he tickles her to make her drop it. And she quickly complies, having had always been weak to his tickling. 

"You left it sitting on the counter!" she argues, quickly getting back up to get her treat back. But, her plan is foiled, as he immediately takes a bite out of it. With a huff, she crosses her arms and glares at him. 

"What? Is the little girl mad?" He teases, sticking his tongue out at her. In response, she rolls her eyes and walks back out, getting herself a PopTart and flopping down onto the couch. In an attempt to annoy her and be closer to her, he also lays down, using her thigh as a pillow. 

"How ya doin'?" He asks in an overdramatic voice, as he reaches up to poke at her cheek. She laughs, and swats his hand away, as she looks down at him. "Leave me alone!" She exclaims, trying to sound mad, but instead just sounding amused. 

"I'll leave you alone when you stop stealing my food." He teases back, grinning as he lays his head back down on her thigh to eat his breakfast. 

"Then stop leaving your food so exposed," she retorts, smiling as she finishes her PopTart. After that, she softly sighs and leans back. A gentle smile plays on her lips as she reaches out to gently toy with his hair. Her other hand subconsciously drifts down his chest, and fiddles with the collar of his shirt. 

He softly sighs with contentment, and relaxes against her, letting her do as she likes. She turns the TV on, and that's how the two spend their morning before classes; him using her as a pillow, and her giving him bits of affection. 

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