Those Days

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They'd both had long days; he'd been working all day trying to work the bugs out of a video game him and his team were developing. 

She spent the day trying to break a stubborn mare. She was bruised and a bit bloodied, and got home first. By the time he got home, she was collapsed on the bed, sound asleep. She never even changed out of her clothes, or even got under the blankets. 

With a quiet chuckle, he pulled all the blankets back, and laid down beside her, before he wrapped all the blankets around her. There was a scratch along her cheek, that he gently ran his thumb over, in the most soothing of manners. 

Her soft, dark brown hair was splayed out over the pillow, and her expression peaceful. It'd been a while since she slept this deeply. As he laid down, his lips slightly twitched up, and his brown eyes softly sparkled in the dim lights. 

As soon as she felt his touch, she snuggled into him, her head nuzzled into his shoulder and her arms going around his neck. "Mmm..." she sleepily mumbled, just barely awake. 

"Shh, go back to sleep... it's okay..." he whispered back in response, as he wrapped one arm around her waist, and brought the other up to run his fingertips through her hair. He was careful of her bruises, though; she'd always been incredibly sensitive with her bruises. 

His soft words made her settle back down, as her eyes fell shut once more and her breathing started to even out. A small smile danced on her lips, too. 

After being sure that she was actually asleep, he gently pulled her closer, until she was laying on top of him, bundled up in all the blankets. His hands gently ran up and down her back, as she slept peacefully. 

It took a while, but eventually, he fell asleep, too; dreams came and went, she tenses and relaxed with nightmares, but never once did they let go of each other. 

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