Public Enemy #1

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*Theme song plays*

Wu and Misako are together on a flying thing.

Kai speeds past them using Airjitzu and pauses doing a kick. His name appeared.

The camera fly's through some clouds to show Cole and Zane. Zane is using his ice and Cole is doing Airjitzu. Their names appear.

The camera goes through more clouds to reveal Scar behind Lloyd on his dragon. They pause and their name's appear.

The camera goes through more clouds to show Jay on his dragon and Nya next to him, using her water to fly. They pause and their names appear.

The camera goes through even more clouds to show Nadakhan. He poofs away.

The screen shows the name of the episode.

Ages that I have given them (Might not be their real ages but my interpretation)

Scar: 16 physically but 13 mentally

Lloyd: 16 physically but about 10-13 mentally

Cole: 19

Jay: 17

Nya: 16-17

Zane: 40-50 but looks 18

Kai: 18

I arrived on my motorbike at the Mountains Of Impossible Height with a sausage and roll in hand. Everyone else was already here and Jay had just arrived seconds before.

"Seriously? I was the second last one to figure out it was Wu's old Monastery? And Scar and Lloyd weren't even trained here. Also where did you get that sausage" Jay questioned.

"I grabbed one from a food stall when no one was looking" Everyone looked at me weirdly "What, its not like it'll make a difference. And I'll pay them back another time". 

Lloyd shrugged and turned back to us all.

"It'll only be a matter of time before they find this place, too, so there isn't much time. Zane, show them what you found." Lloyd asked.

"I came across security footage of Sensei at the Library of Domu. He was not alone." Zane informed. He shows us the footage.

"Hey, look. It's Wu." Cole noticed. Wu looked up at something that we couldn't see.

"What happened? Who was he looking at?" Kai asked.

"We don't know, but no one's seen him since." Cole answered.

"The library database indicated he had checked out a book about the Teapot of Tyrahn. We originally thought we may be dealing with Clouse. If this is what I think it is, it appears to be far worse. We may have a djinn on our hands." Zane informed.

"A djinn?" Jay inquired.

"Like a genie, only when he grants you wishes, you'll be wishing you never met him." I informed.

"What else do we know about djinn?" Lloyd asked.

"Hmm. Not much, just that they are very sneaky and have great power..." Kai answered. I looked over at Jay who was smiling. I walked over too him before taking a bite of my sausage.

"I know that smile, you think that you can wish that Nya liked you, don't you?" I asked Jay.

"Nya made it clear there was no way we'd ever end up together. But I know for a fact from seeing my future that we do. Maybe a wish is what it takes. Maybe this is how she falls for me." Jay answered. I was going to tell him it was a bad idea, but Lloyd interrupted me.

"Then it's settled. Since we know so little about djinn, we need to head back to town to investigate more about him." Lloyd suggested.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. If we head back together, the police will arrest us on sight. We should split up." Cole inquired.

"But anyone caught alone with this character suddenly disappears." Kai countered. We decided to travel in pairs. Jay and Cole, Nya and Kai, Lloyd and Zane. Then Lloyd turned to me. 

"And Scar, go to Sensei Len's, it won't be as dangerous so you can go alone. See what he knows. If we wanna clear our names and get Sensei back, we need to find this djinn and take him down. Let's meet back here at sunup. Oh, and guys, look out for each other." Lloyd instructed. And so we all parted ways.

I got an my bike and raced towards Sensei Len's place. When I arrived I found Sensei waiting for me at the front. He quickly rushed me inside.

"Hello Charlotte, I heard what happened. I have some info on Djinn and other stuff. Let's go inside" Sensei instructed.

A couple hours later I had dyed my hair, put green contacts in, gotten a new outfit to disguise myself and learned some info on Djinn.

A couple hours later I had dyed my hair, put green contacts in, gotten a new outfit to disguise myself and learned some info on Djinn

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I wasn't really surprised by the info in the books. Just some history of Djinjago and not to trust Djinn's. Not really anything new. So i decided to turn on the TV that we had in one of the rooms. On it, their was the ninja's commissioner and Ronin. Ronin was receiving some money while the ninja were in shackles.

"The search is over. We have the ninja. Ninjago is safe once again. Now, let this be a lesson to everyone. No matter who you are or how famous you become, justice will find you. We have a place for criminals. It's called Kryptarium." The commissioner said. I turned off the TV and gathered my stuff.

Time to break the ninja out of prison.

(Ronin turns the ninja in the next morning.)

Commissioner: The search is over. We have the ninja. Ninjago is safe once again. Now, let this be a lesson to everyone. No matter who you are or how famous you become, justice will find you. We have a place for criminals. It's called .

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