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Hiccup's Pov:

I threw a wooden cup at the wall, and let out a frustrated yell, grabbing my hair.

"Stupid! Stupid!" I grumble out, "How could you so openly talk about your son like that?" I continued as I started to pace around my room, "And in the great hall! Where anyone could hear you!" I yell as I pull at my hair. It happened barely an hour ago.


I was walking up to the head table, where Stoick and Spitelout were, I was hidden in the crowd so I was walking up to them from behind, where it was less crowded, with barely anyone. I was about a few feet from the two when Stoick started talking, I hid behind a pillar so he wouldn't see me.

"I just don't know what to do with him," he complains as he chugs his mead. "He can't do anything right at all," he continues, I hold my hand over my mouth, I immediately knew he was talking about me. "He's clumsy, can't lift any weapon, he's scrawny, I don't see how one day he will be chief," I feel anger bubble up, how could someone say this about their son? "Thor! How is Hiccup even my son?" Stoick says, slamming his cup on the table, "I wish he was never my son, I should've listened to Mildew when he was born" I hold back my tears, I want to run, scream, and cry but my body won't move. "Should've disowned him the moment he made his first mistake." He says, I practically ran out of the great hall, trying to hold back my tears, I ran straight to my house slamming the door. And up to my room.


Tears run down my face, I fall to my knees.

"I don't know what to do anymore." I tell myself, "I can't do this!" I say louder, I watch as my tears pool on the floor, I harshly rub my eyes trying to stop my tears, but more just come out, I lean against my wall, pulling my knees to my chest and burying my face in my knees. Sobs reached my body, why couldn't my blood father love me? Why can't he be proud I'm different? 'Cuz He doesn't care, he's never cared, why stay somewhere when you're not wanted?' I ask myself, as I calm down, "I'll take that trip Gobber promised me, then go from there if I do want to run away," I mutter to myself as I slowly get up, and shuffle to my wooden bed. 'I prefer Toothless or a soft bed,' I sit and take off my boots and my shirt, I throw them aside and lay down, trying to get comfortable on the bed.

No one's POV:

Hiccup slowly blinked open his eyes, and let out a groan, he hates his life on Berk, Hiccup sat up and changed into a clean shirt, tucked his red tunic into his pants, and put on his belt that had multiple pockets. He rolled his sleeves up two times before putting in his armguards, his bracelet showing, he did this on purpose, you could say he would get his revenge on the people who've hurt him for the last 13 years, he was only fourteen, but had more knowledge and skills than the other teens combined. Hiccup slipped on his boots from Trader Johann, he liked the boots, they made it easier for him to move around without having extra weight on his feet with his old boots, which Toothless set on fire. Hiccup walked to his desk, grabbed a few things, and put them in the pockets of his belt, like his healing rub that was made with Nightfury saliva, his pouch of coins and gems, and dragon nip. Which he had found when he and Toothless crashed landed. Hiccup secured his pockets and headed downstairs, where Stoick was sitting. Hiccup hid his look of disgust and hatred for the man, and put on a bright smile.

"Good morning Dad." Hiccup greets Stoick, who nods in response, Hiccup holds back an eye roll and leaves, heading to the great hall for breakfast, which he hoped would be good since Gothi has been pushing more food options than just potato pancakes, which he didn't mind but something new is nice. He thought to himself, unbeknownst to him most of the village was staring at him, his normally pale brown freckles seemingly glowing gold in the sun.

*four hours later*
Hiccup's Pov:

I hummed to myself as I worked on organizing my room in the forge, if I was going to be gone for two weeks, I wouldn't want to come back and clean. Gobber was working on some weapons, I looked at the bag full of gold from him, and I smiled as I sat on my knees, pulling a basket of my blueprints, which I plan on organizing from oldest to youngest, which makes me focus on projects that need fixing.

About an hour later, I stood and swiped the sweat off my forehead. 'If I want to leave by tonight. I would have to go home and pack now.' I tell myself and head out to Gobber, where he sits cooling off from being close to the fire and hammering weapons.

"Heading out lad?" He asks me, I nod and smile shyly.

"Yes, I'm excited too," I say as I place my hands on my hips, "I mean just imagine all the stories I'll have to tell you!" I exclaimed quietly, Gobber let out a full belly laugh,

"Oh oh! There will be some interesting stories then!" He chuckled, slapping his knee. "Oh! Have one more thing for you," Gobber said, while he reached into a basket and pulled out a dark green cloak with a hood, the clasp on the the cloak was silver. "I know it's not the best looking but I want you to stay warm," Gobber explains to me as he hands me the cloak, I run my fingers along the hood, it had dragons embedded into the cloak, and the outside of the cloak was leather and the inside was very fluffy and soft wool. I could see the stitching in silver in the hood, I brought the cloak closer and read what it said. 'Hiccup III'

"I…I…Thank you!" I jumped onto Gobber, hugging him as tightly as I could, Gobber did the same.

"It's not a problem lad, now off you go!" Gobber pushes me out of the forge and shoos me off, I chuckle and run to my house, throwing on the cloak, to pack all the stuff I will need for Toothless's, and I trip for the next two weeks! I was extremely excited, and I bet Toothless is as well!

"Your magic grows the more your hatred grows~"

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