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Hiccup's POV:

I hummed as made my way upstairs I left my bag in the cove, where Toothless and I would have an easier time leaving, I was only grabbing my notebook, after having dinner in the great hall, I would then head to Toothless. I grabbed my notebook from the floorboard, slowly put it back making sure it didn't make any noise, and made my way downstairs. Luckily my notebook had a map of the archipelago, for the two weeks of traveling, Toothless and I would stay inside the archipelago. I know there are some lonesome islands near a market port. That's where Toothless and I will stay. I looked at Stoick and rolled my eyes. He was passed out in his chair, he smelled of mead. I left through the front door, placing my notebook in the pocket of my cloak. I pulled my hood down as I walked to the great hall. I wanted to eat with Gobber before I left. I entered the hall, It was much less crowded as it was late, and I could see the teens in the back with Gobber, I nodded to myself and made my way to Gothi.

"Thank you," I told her as grabbed the bowl of yak soup, she nodded and handed me a couple.of slices of toasted bread. Before I could thank her a second time; I was shooed off. I made my way over at a quick pace. To Gobber and the teens,

"Oh, hey lad. Joining us for dinner?" Gobber asked, I nodded and sat next to him, eating quietly while listening to another one of Gobbers stories. I finished long before the end of his story. "In the end, we never did find that treasure." Gibber finished, shaking his hook in the air.

"Finally..." Snotlout grumbled and stood from the table, the rest of the teens left the table as well. I stood and brought my empty bowl to the Vikings who took care of the dishes. I meet up with Gobber at the door.

"Well, heading out?" He asked me as we left the hall. I nodded.

"Yep, but I'll be back before you know it," I tell him, Gobber sighs.

"I know you will lad, be careful." He pats my shoulder and walks toward his house, I watch him go, before heading to the cove.

"Toothless!" I called my scaley friend, and he came bouncing out a moment later, tackling me to the ground. Licking my face. "Gross!" I pushed him off of me as best as I could, standing up. "That doesn't wash out!" I tell him, wiping my face. Toothless chortles, I glare at him and flick some of his slavia at him. It made Toothless freeze for a moment, before wiping it off of himself like a cat. I chuckle, leaving him as he does that, I look for my bag, and I find it a moment later in the cave. Was it a cave? I didn't care. It kept my stuff hidden in case someone found the cove. Toothless would hide if that ever happened too, not that it would happen anyway. I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. I pick up his saddle as well. It wasn't a good idea to leave it on when I'm not in the cove. "Come here bud, we would need to leave now if we want to travel!" I call at him, as I walk to him. While it was hard to see in the dark, his acid-green eyes made it a bit easier. "Alright, hold still," I tell him as I fit the saddle, clicking into place. "Okay, come on let's get moving," I tell him as I hop onto his back, clicking my foot into place. I reach down and pat him on the side. I could hear his wings spread, not a moment later, we were in the sky. The Breeze ruffled my hair, I looked down I could barely see the cove, only the soft light that came from the village. "Okay, head south and find an island for the night," I tell him, Toothless flips south, and moment and makes me jolt forward a bit. "Thor, need to make something stronger for me," I mutter to myself, I shift my body back into place and click on the pedal. Toothless pushed forward, going down just in case of Viking ships, and the winds that he made caused my hair to go everywhere, my cloak blowing in the wind. For a long time, all I could see was the moon, clouds, and the sea. I reached down slightly, my hand barely grazing the surface of the sea. It didn't sting for some reason. I pulled my hand back and lay forward, the only noise filling the air was the sound of Toothless wings beating.

"Hey!" I shouted at Toothless as he shifted directions, and he stopped flying, hovering in the same place. "What was that?" I asked him, he shook his head. I could almost hear "Nothing." Come from him.

"Well, whatever it was it wasn't nothing." I hissed at him, rolling my eyes, as I shifted the pedal. "Let's get to the island," I told him, he nodded grudgingly and continued south.

"Hiccup?" I hear. I look down at Toothless. 'Definitely not my imagination.' I thought to myself.

"Yeah, bud?" I questioned him, I just barely saw his ear plates go up.

"You understood that?" He asks me, I nod, before realizing that he probably couldn't see that.

"Yeah, I did," I tell him, I lean down, resting my head in my arms. "What were you going to ask me?" I waited in silence as I awaited his response.

"Have you ever heard about the Red Death?" He asked me, I blinked. 'The hell?'

"No, why do you ask?" Toothless didn't say anything for a long time. After a while of flying in silence, I saw the island we were flying to. "Right there," I told him, he sped up, and his newfound speed caused huge ripples in the sea, a few stay water droplets made it to me, but quickly dried off. We landed not a minute later. I hopped off of Toothless as soon as we landed. "Let's find a place to camp," I tell him as I start to walk forward, he follows as soon as I'm five feet away. "So, what is the Red Death?" I asked him. He stopped walking, I turned to him. "Everything alright bud?" I walked closer to him.

"Yeah, let's set up camp here. I explain to you when we're done." He said he looked around. I nodded.

"We'll need a campfire. I have some fish for the two of us." I explained to him as I walked away, looking for rocks to make a ring to keep the fire in and anything that could be burned.

"What should I look for?"  Toothless asked me, following me. I paused and took a moment to think.

"If you see any small animal like a rabbit, you could try and catch it. Or you could help in searching for wood." I told him, and he nodded, at least I assumed he did, and walked off. I continued my waking and came across a clearing, lit by the moon. Rocks that were the perfect size were laid spread out. I picked some up and started to make my way back to where I left my stuff.

I sat on my knees making to ring of rocks for the fire, when I heard Toothless come from behind me, I heard him huff.

"What's up bud?" I asked him as he plopped wood into the rock ring. "Thanks, light it up?" Toothless nods, I think at least, I see. A purple glow that starts the fire. Toothless is illuminated by the glow of the fire, he walks behind me and plops himself down. I grabbed my bag, opening it I took out a rather large bag. "Here's some fish." I tossed him most of the fish, which left me with two. I added the second fish into his pile. I stabbed my other fish with a clean stick and held it over the fire, I leaned into Toothless. "Want to tell me why you came back in a huff?" I asked him after a while, I pulled my fish from the fire, and gave it a few pokes, before putting it back into the fire.

"A group of Terrors took my kill." I hear him grumble, and I chuckle.

"What was it?" I asked as I calmed down from my laughter.

"A fat baby hog." He continues, "came out of nowhere." I roll my eyes. Toothless hates Terrible Terrors, sometimes I swore he had a grudge against them.

"Can't you scare them off?" I asked him, and he just grumbled. I pulled my fish out of the fire and poked it; perfectly cooked. I held it away from the fire before I took a bite. It was hot, but I didn't mind. The two of us sat in silence, Toothless had finished his food quickly, and I took my time. I gave him what I didn't eat. I leaned into Toothless; more comfortable the people think. I didn't need a pillow or a blanket, I also had on the cloak that Gobber gave me.

"I promised to tell you about the Red Death right?" Toothless asked after a while, I blinked my eyes, trying to keep the sleepiness away.

"You did," I responded, hiding a yawn. I felt Toothless nod, a wing was draped around me a moment later. His tail, brought Me closer to him.

"The Red Death is a-"

"A fight of a creature from hell is upon you~"

Sorry, for the delayed chapter guys, I went through four different POVs 😅 but here it is!! I hope you enjoyed it!

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