Chapter 3 Meeting Thor

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Without warning you are startled by a tall blond who barges in the cell room. Loki rolls his eyes as Thor begins to speak "LOKI HOW DA-" You cut off Thor and shout " EXCUSE ME BUT WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE BARGING IN HERE LIKE AN ANIMAL?!"  Thor looks at you and says "I am Thor Odison and I am taking my brother back to Asgard." Before you can say anything else Thor manages to pull the cell door open and grabs Loki. However, Loki vanishes from Thor's arms to the keypad system locking Thor in the cell. You look at Loki and to your surprise he looks at you and says "I can leave you here with Thor, my idiot brother or you can let me walk out of here.'
That's when you hear your father yell out as Hulk and realize what is happening. Loki suddenly starts to walk away when you see a set of handcuffs and grab them without Loki seeing. You call out to Loki walking towards him while hiding the handcuffs behind you saying " So, that was your plan this whole time? Just causing chaos so you can walk out here freely" Loki turns around facing you, you are inches apart and he says " whatever you are delaying me for, it's not going to work darling". You smile , " Oh I am not delaying you" you say as you suddenly handcuff his hand to yours. " I am just making sure I don't lose track of you".
" Darling, do you really think you can keep track of me with these?" Loki says. "No, I don't, that's why I am freeing your brother" you say as you yank Loki's hand so that way he would come closer to you so you can reach the cell panel opening the cell doors for Thor.  You look at P/N and tell her " after I deal with Loki I will be there to help dad calm down, but in the meantime take care of dad for me please!" she nods and leaves to go help the Hulk calm down. Once the cell doors open, Thor immediately grabs Loki without giving you enough time to free yourself from the handcuffs. You drop the keys and suddenly Thor shouts at the sky and says " Heimdall open the Bifrost." With that you are surrounded by lights.

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