Prologue: Chapter One

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"That will be 12.50."
I ring up my last customer of the day, an adorable older woman. I take her 20 and quickly give her the change, "Have a wonderful night!" She smiles and walks out, I stretch out and yawn, time to clock out! It's been a pretty slow day at the store today and I'm itching to head home. I type in my pin and the cash department pops open, I grab it and close the drawer with my hip. I walk over to the service desk where my manager is typing away at the computer.
"Here's the cash drawer," I plop it next to her, she looks over to me and smiles.
"Thank you for your hard work today."
"Of course!" I follow her into the office, I grab my purple puffy jacket and my small backpack. I notice her check her reflection on the black computer screen, she's brushing the loose strands of her black hair to the side.
"Got another date tonight Ms. Martinez ?" I ask
She turns to me, "As a matter of fact I do have a hot date tonight. He's an Alpha! And we're meeting at the Blue 42 tonight," She gives me a smug smile. "The new bar that just opened downtown?" She nods as she grabs the cash out of the drawer, "Well I hope it goes better than that date with the guy who worked at smoke store." She groans, "Ughh, don't remind me dear. Have a good weekend Caroline," she turns back to start counting the cash. "Tell me how it goes on Monday! Have a good night!" I walk over to the pin pad and clock myself out, I walk outside and I'm greeted by a wave of cold air. I zip up my jacket, How is it so cold already! It's only October! I start walking down the crowded streets of New York, I check my phone and I see a text from my roommate and best friend Lauren.
Carol!! Before you head home could you buy some alcohol?
I'll pay you back I promise! 🥺
I snort at the text, That dummy. I make my way through the busy streets, I moved here two years ago with Lauren. We lived in a small town in Pennsylvania, and Lauren got accepted to New York University. She wanted me to come with her, there was nothing for me where we grew up so I went with her. My parents were worried of course since it's a large city and the fact that I'm an Omega didn't help either.
I walk into the nearest liquor store, i grab a case of bud light. I don't really feel like drinking so I grab two Monaco's, I set my things on the counter. The cashier grabs my drinks and scans them, "I need your ID." I grab my wallet from my backpack, "Here you go,". He stares at it for a moment, then he looks at me then gives me a weird smile. "Having a little party Omega?" I groan internally, "Yeah just me and my friend," he hands me my ID back. "How fun, of course you'd get this brand I don't think you'd be able to handle anything stronger," He gives a loud laugh, I can't help but blush with embarrassment. Just let me pay so I can leave! I give him a fake laugh, "Hey if you wait another 30 minutes for me to get off work, I'd love to join you and your friend for a little get together." I cringe as I start to play with the collar on my neck, "Well-"
I'm cut off by a large man setting his cases of beer on the counter, "I'm ready to check out."
I look up at the towering man, he has shaggy black hair and he looks impatient.
"Can you wait? This omega was here first." The man looks down at me, we make eye contact for a split second before I looked away. He's pretty cute! He looks back at the cashier, "How about you quit flirting and actually do your job." The cashier flinches at his words, "20.78" he muttered. I give him 25 and he fumbles as he hands me my change. Me and the man make eye contact again as I leave, I smile at him awkwardly before running out of the liquor store. He was definitely an Alpha, his presence was, my thoughts were interrupted as I felt my phone buzz, I pull out my phone and I see another text from Lauren.
Are you coming home soon?
I'm about to die from dehydration!
I roll my eyes as I text her back,
Don't be Dramatic, I'm 10 minutes away
I open the door and plop the bag down, I shut the door behind me. I spot Lauren poking her head out from the living room, "You're finally here!" She quickly rushes over to me, I hold up the bag again,"Here grab the bag, it's heavy." She grabs it and we walk into the kitchen, "What took you so long?," She quickly grabs the case of bud light from the bag and pops one of the cans open. "The cashier at the liquor was flirting with me,". I watch her gulp the beer down,
"Ohhh, was he cute?"
"Not at all, he kept calling me 'Omega' and telling me I couldn't handle alcohol." I take off my jacket and hang it on one of the chairs. I undo the omega collar around my neck and slam it down on the table.
Lauren lets out a hearty laugh, "What a loser. Sorry you had to go through that torture."
"It wasn't too bad, I saw a super hot Alpha."Lauren perked up, "Oh yeah? How hot?"
"He was tall, probably over six foot, he had shaggy black hair and super blue eyes. I wasn't close enough to notice his scent but he just radiated Alpha energy!"
"Did you get his number?" She asked eagerly, it almost looked like she was drooling.
"Of course not," Lauren began to rub the bridge of her nose. "You should have! Why didn't you?"
"He was just some random guy! He probably had a girlfriend! He was too attractive to not have a girlfriend so I just assumed he did!"
"Well how would you know if you don't ask him?"
"It would be too awkward, and besides he was way out of my league."
Lauren laughed, I got a little scared when she laughed in situations like these. "Out of your league? You're a dominant Omega! He's probably out of your league!" I start to blush, "Whatever!" I crack open my Monaco and gulp it down. "I may be a dominant Omega, but there's nothing dominant about me."
There are two types of Alphas and Omegas, Recessives and Dominants. Recessives are weaker than dominants in every aspect. Their senses and pheromones are weaker, Recessive alphas are looked down upon and not thought to be real alphas. Recessive omegas have irregular heats and aren't usually small and petite like dominant omegas. But in recent times the omega population has slowly been declining, so recessive omegas don't receive ridicule. I'm a Dominant Omega, which is super rare these days. All the omegas I've ever met have been a recessive omega. Lauren is recessive too, but I don't go flaunting it around. I just want to be treated like everyone else, I'm not good at being the center of attention.
Lauren breaks the silence, "Well don't worry about it, maybe you'll see him again."
"Maybe," I mutter
Lauren smacks my back lightly, "Lighten up a bit, you're off this weekend, and I'm starving! I made dinner so let's take this to the living room and let's watch some trashy reality tv shows!" I smile as she grabs two plates of spaghetti, "You said the other day you were craving spaghetti, so I made some." I grab the beers, "Thank you, but it probably won't be as good as your dad's." She lets out a cackle, "Of course it won't, I don't know what he's put in it to make it taste so heavenly!"

Author Notes:
This is my first time writing an actual series so be easy on me 😭. But I hope you all enjoy it 😊

Characters so far:
Caroline- Main Character
Lauren- Caroline's best friend and roommate
Ms. Martinez- Grocery store manager/ Caroline's Boss

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