Chapter 11

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I hop in the limousine, Holy Crap! I spot a little bar and LED lights lit up the floor, I walk over to the long seat and Nick follows. I see him sit on the left side so I decide to sit on the right seat, as soon as he sees me go right he gets up. He sits next to me and smiles, "How are you cutie?" I slide down a bit so that there's a gracious amount of space between us. "I'm good, I wasn't expecting this though." He nonchalantly slides down to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder, which makes my cheeks warm up. He giggles at your reaction. "Well truthfully, I've been looking forward to this date. So I wanted to impress you, did I over do it?" I feel him playing with my ponytail, "Well...The large bouquet was a little much. But that doesn't mean I don't like it! I'm impressed!" I laugh and then immediately sigh, He grabs my hand then sniffs my wrist. I shudder and I look away shyly, "I haven't gotten over this scent, you smelled the best you know?" I take my hand back and I clear my throat, "I bet you say to every omega you meet," Erica said he's a playboy and he definitely seems like one! "I don't just give every omega my attention, it takes a lot to get me interested. And you my dear have my full attention," He taps my cheek with his finger. He then grabs my chin and makes me look at him, I struggle to look him in the eye. He then leans in, still holding my chin. I start to panic before I break the tension.
   "So where are we going?" I pull my face away from him and I distance myself from him. But not enough for him to remove his arm from my shoulder. "We're going to a cooking class that my friend teaches, how does that sound cutie?" I smile, "That sounds fun, but I'm not very good at cooking to be honest." He squeezes my shoulder, "That's fine, that's why it's a cooking class. Maybe you'll pick up some new skills."
    Soon the limo comes to a stop and the door opens up for us. Nick gets out first and grabs my hand to help me out of the limo. We walk into a studio with multiple counter tops and people standing in a line. I notice that all the countertops have ingredients and supplies. We stand at the end of the line, Nick keeps his arm around my shoulder, and soon a woman comes out. "Welcome everyone! Today we're going to be making some chicken stir fry! So everyone find a counter and let's get started!" Nick takes my hand and guides me to a counter. All of this physical touch is going to make me dizzy! The woman walks up to us, "Hey Nick, this your date? She's cute! I love the bow by the way!" I reach up and touch my bow and smile as I thank her, "She really is, well we're here to cook so you should probably stay focused." She punches his shoulder which makes him jump and laugh as he rubs his shoulder. She walks away to greet everyone, "You said you two were friends?" He nods, "Her name is Britney, She's a beta and we went to high school together. She opened this place about two years ago, don't worry like I said you have my full attention." What does that mean exactly? I cock my eyebrow, "Alright cuties let's make some food!"
     We all walk over to the sink to wash our hands, As he rolls his sleeves I see veins that run from his forearm all the way down to his hands. God since when did I have a thing for veiny arms! I look away before he notices me ogling his arms,  as soon as we wash our hands we tied up our aprons. He then ties up his long black hair into a ponytail, "Now we're both matching!" I laugh as he flips his ponytail around. "Alright everyone let's get started!"
    Britney starts telling us about our ingredients and the supplies we'll be using. I glance over at Nick realizing that he has had his sunglasses on the whole time we've been here. I ignore it and I start cutting the chicken while Nick cuts the red peppers. "Hey!" I look over and I see Britney holding Nicks sunglasses, "No sunglasses inside!" Nick gives her an annoyed look, "I'll keep them on my head then." He tries to grab them back from her but she tucks them into her apron pocket. "You'll get them back once we're finished!" She walks away with a smug smile and Nick clicks his tongue. He cuts the peppers more aggressively now, I decide not to pry too much.
   As we continue to prep the food I feel the gazes of everyone in the studio. I am take a quick glance and just as expected, everyone was staring in our direction. I hear small whispers and curious glances, I groan lightly as I finish up the chicken. "Very good knife skills Cutie, I thought you were bad at cooking?" I blush at the compliment, "Just because I'm bad at cooking doesn't mean I'm bad at chopping things up!"
"Well I'm hoping to stay on your good side, who knows what might happen if I piss you off," I hold the knife up, "Good decision!" We both laugh as we finish prepping, I straighten myself up as Britney walks by. "Very nice job you too. Let's just be careful with the knifes." We both giggle to ourselves, I make a motion with my hand that makes him lean down. "What's up?"
"Well...everyone has been looking at us," He looks behind me and sighs. "They're probably just jealous that I'm in a date with a cute girl." He pulls me towards his chest and his scent overwhelms my nostrils. I can't help but quiver and grip his shirt tightly, soon he releases me from his grip. Soon the strong scent eases down. "There, they're not staring anymore," I turn to look and everyone is looking away which makes me sigh with relief. "Thank you Nick," he rubs my cheek. "Nick, let's keep our pheromones under control." Britney glares at him. He hold his hands in the air, "Sorry, it's just all of the stares were a bit distracting. I was hoping we could've gotten a private class," Britney sighs. "Well some of these people reserved a spot for today. And most of them have waited a month to come here, and canceling would be a shitty thing to do. It's not my fault you're so popular, just deal with all of the stares." Popular? Is he a celebrity or something? I should really ask him. "Let's start cooking everybody!"
    Nick lets me cook the chicken a bit before we add the vegetables. "Am I doing it right?" I ask him as I stir the chicken, "You're doing good, I would just do this." I feel his chest against my back, and his hand grabs onto my hand that hold the wooden spoon. I stiffen up, "Make sure the chicken doesn't stick to the pan, and stir it a bit more." He uses my hand to sir the chicken, I can't help but blush. This is so cliche! "You try." He lets go of my hand but doesn't move from behind me. I do exactly what he showed me, "That's right, good job." He rubs my lower back which makes me yelp. He backs away, I blush at the questionable noise I just made. "Sorry! You just caught me off guard!" I awkwardly look down. "It's alright, but you might want to focus on the food." I turn and see the chicken starting to get darker, "Crap!" I put my focus on the pan not knowing that Nick was staring at me darkly.
   "Alright! Plate your food!" I put a generous amount of stir fry on both plates. I smile when Britney comes back around, she looks at the food. "Good job! It looks good, I bet she did most of the work." Nick scoffs, "I'll have you know I'm a fantastic cook, I admit I could have helped more. But this date is for her and I wanted her to have as much fun as possible." I smile at his words, He may seem a bit flirtatious. But he's sweet. "I appreciate it Nick," he smiles and pulls me towards him. "Isn't she just adorable!" She physically cringes, "Just keep your hands to yourself for the time being Nick, enjoy your food!" She smiles at me then she walks up to the couple next to us. We sit on stools and I take a bite of my food. I did pretty good! I look up and watch Nick take a bite, I hope he likes it. He shows no expression when he eats, but soon his face lights up. "It's amazing! You did so well!" I feel off, he looks impressed but his eyes say differently. "You're lying." Before he takes another bite, he looks at me and smiles. "I'm not lying, it's really good." I give him a black stare, we stare at each other for a bit until he finally breaks. "It's good, I would have just added a bit more seasoning on the chicken. And to cook the vegetables a bit longer and the chicken is a bit overcooked. But other than that it's pretty good!"
"I still have a ways to go before I become a professional chef huh?" I laugh. "I have to agree," Soon a light bulb goes off in my head, "I know!" He looks up from his plate, "What's up?"
"You must be a chef!" He looks at me for a moment before smirking, "What makes you say that?" I push my plate to the side, "Well you said you were good at cooking, your friend owns her own cooking class. Am I right?" He laughs as he sets his fork down. "I'm not in any means a chef, I just enjoy cooking. But I still can't believe you don't recognize me, it hurts." He pretends to fall backwards, I laugh at his antics. "Are you a celebrity? Is that why you were wearing sunglasses? What do you do?" He finishes the last of his food, "Mmm, I'm not telling." I groan, "Why not? If you are a celebrity then I'll find out who you are eventually, so just tell me!" He puts his empty dish over mine, "That's fine, and when you do find out maybe we can go on another date. I might even let you meet my cats." I brighten up, "I'd like that!" He smiles and grabs my hand, "You'll just have to pick me then." He squeezes my hand which shows me that even though he's a beautiful man, he's quite muscular. I blush, "Maybe."
     After we finish our food, we clean up our station. And soon we're all standing by the door, "Thank you all for attending today's session! I hope to see you all again!" Britney waves at everyone as they leave, "Thank you Britney for having us, we leaned a lot. Now my glasses?" She rolls her eyes as she hands him back his glasses. "Now get your ass out of here, I have to prepare for my next class." She then turns to me with a bright smile, "Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoyed yourself! Come back again!" I smile, "I will!" Nick then opens the door for me, he quickly turns to Britney. "I'm not stupid, I saw you sneaking glances at her." Britney's face turns red, then she punches his shoulder once more, "Get the hell out of here!" He laughs as she practically shoves him out of the door. The limo driver hops out and opens the door for us, "It's time to head back sir." Nick sighs as we approach the limo, "Right let's go," we both settle into our seats. He puts his arm over my shoulder again, "I wish we had more time to bond, but I enjoyed myself cutie!" He pinches my cheek, "My name is Caroline, in case you forgot." He looks at me confused, "I know, do you think I forgot it?" I fiddle with my fingers, "Well you've been calling me a cutie this entire time so I just thought you forgot it or something."
"Well I think you're a cutie so why wouldn't I call you that!" He pinches my cheeks once more, "You really like pinching me huh?"
"I can't help it, physical touch is my love language." That explains a lot. Soon the limo comes to a stop and the door swings open. "That time already?" We both exit the limo and we're back at the event building, "The time went by so quickly, I wish we had the whole day but it can't be helped." He leaned down and kissed my cheek. I back away flustered and Nick laughs at my reaction, "So responsive, adorable!" I glare at him. Then a woman walks up to us, "I hope I'm not being too forward but are you Nick Cheong?" I see him stiffen, "Oh uh," he adjusts his glasses. "Oh my god you are! Girls! It's Nick Cheong!" Soon a swarm of women crowd around Nick, he backs away towards the limo.
"I love you!"
"Could I get your autograph? How about a picture!"
I back away to get out of the small crowd, "What's going on?" One of the women turn to me, "Do you not know who he is? He's a famous model from ABO Magazine!" She shows me what looks like a magazine article, and I see Nick posing with a woman. I look at him, That makes sense he is very beautiful. He notices me smirking, "Looks like the secrets out!". He doesn't get a chance to send me off as the crowd gets bigger. It gets so crowded that the driver has to push the girls away. "Bye Caroline!" He tries to say more until the driver ushers Nick into the Limo. Then the limo speeds off, all of the women sigh and groan. I laugh as I walk into the building, So he's a model huh? I haven't heard of ABO before, I'll have to check it out. I'm greeted as I walk back into the building, they explain to me that if I return with gifts they'll hold on to them for me until I'm finished with my dates.
    I look up Nick as I wait, I scroll through the pictures of him. In this one he looks more like a woman than I do! He has makeup on, and I blush as I see a photo of him shirtless and wet. He is laying down in a large bath tub, His face does not match his physic!" I blush as I put my phone back into my pocket. Bathroom! I walk into the nearest bathroom and look at my face. I fix my hair and I spray some perfume I had in my bag on. I don't want to smell like stir fry when I see Logan. I quickly do my business and I walk back out to the entrance.
    I start to get antsy as I wait, but then out of the corner of my eye I spot a tall man with blonde slicked back hair. It's Logan! He looks around but it looks like he doesn't see me, Whew! Here we go! I make my way over to him and I tap him on the shoulder. He turns around, "Hello Caroline, it's nice to see you again. I'm glad you agreed to meet with me," I blush as he offers me his hand. "I'm ready whenever you are," I smile as I take his hand. "Let's go!"

Authors Note:
Nick is a model! And Caroline really liked the date, which might make her decision more difficult. Next chapter will be her date with the blonde businessman!
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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