Chapter 2

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"Lauren, I think you need to be cut off, it's your 8th beer,". I start gathering up all of her empty cans off the coffee table. We had finished dinner, now Lauren was rambling about her school life. "I'm fine~," she laughed as she opened another can which I swooped in and took.
"Carol! Give it back!" She tried reaching for it but I stood up before she could. "I know this routine! You'll drink yourself stupid, then wake up with a hangover. You'll swear off drinking for a least a week before giving in. Then the cycle repeats! You're such an alcoholic," I walk into the kitchen and I start putting the cans into a plastic bag, I hear Lauren mumbling, "It's the weekend, who cares how much I drink...". I laugh to myself as I tie up the bag and toss it next to the trash can. I grab Lauren a glass of water and push it towards her, "You need to drink water, here." She grumbles and gulps the water down, but out of the blue she starts sobbing. "Carol...what would I do without you!" She grabs my hand and starts squeezing it, I can't help but smile. I scoot closer to her and hug her.
"You get so bipolar when you're drunk," I mutter. We sit like this for a few minutes until she pulled away, "You're the sweetest, anyone would be lucky to have you as their wife! I'm surprised that you've never been in a relationship before, if I were an Alpha I would have took you as my mate!"
I laugh, "I could say the same thing about you, I know you were in a relationship with an Alpha in high school, I forgot his name,"She cuts me off by scoffing, "I would hardly call that a relationship, it was more like a fling. He just wanted to look good by having me hang around him. Douche." We both sit in silence for what seems like forever, "I wish I were more 'Omega like', like you!" I look over at her confused, "What do you mean?"
"You're so cute! And petite! Pretty much every omega in my grade has a boyfriend, except for me! Why is that!" She grinds her teeth, "Well, I thinks it's because you're intimidating to others, you're not like the stereotypical Omega. And that's amazing to me, I wish I were more like you!" She gives me a smile, her face still red from the alcohol. "You're sweet, well if Alphas are intimidated by me then they're not real Alphas! Too scared to date a real woman!" I laugh at her antics, she's so strong I really wish I were like her. I used to be more extroverted and outgoing until they found out I was an Omega.
   "Oh! Carol have you heard of Matched by Fate? It's the yearly matchmaking event!" I snap out of my daze, "What matchmaking event?" Her eyes widen, "You've never seen the commercials for it? It's been a hot topic at school for a while now!" I just shrug my shoulders, she lets out a long sigh. "We need to get you out into society, working at an old people grocery store isn't doing you any favors,"
"It's not an old people grocery store! People my age come in too."
"Well every time I go to check on you, there's always old people as far as the eye can see! You need a cooler job."
"Well the pay is better than other jobs, so until we move away or I get fired I'm not going anywhere!"
  We glare at each other for a moment, "We're getting off topic! Anyway, it's a huge matchmaking event and it's just for Alphas and Omegas! Lots of other people in my grade have applied to go!"
"That's cool, but why is it such a big deal? It's just a matchmaking event." Lauren pulls out her phone, "It was an event specifically for rich people, but now that the omega population is declining it's a nation wide event that only happens once a year!" She hands me her phone and a video is loaded up. "Here's the commercial for it!" I grab her phone from her and press play.

Hi there to all the Alphas and Omegas watching this video! As you know one of the biggest matchmaking events of the year is coming up, Matched by Fate! And we made this video to inform you about what to expect and why we hold this event! But first things firstly let's get into the history of this event!
Back in the 1950's, the Elites of Hollywood, created this event for the rich and influential Alphas and Omegas to strengthen their families and their power. And it stayed like that until the early 1990s when all of the sudden the omega population started to rapidly decline! It got so bad that Omegas only made up 8 percent of the total population! So to save the Omega population we made this exclusive event public so everyone could have a chance to meet their fated mate!

I pause the video, "So were you thinking of-"
"Just watch the rest of the video!" Lauren snapped. I roll my eyes as I unpause the video.

So what should you expect from this event? Well, I'll tell you! Many people will apply, but we can't just let anyone just walk in to an event like this! There are a limited amount of alphas and omegas that will be allowed to attend. So you must apply for a spot, and the process is super simple! You can go to the official website or if you're close to any of the locations where we're holding the event you can go apply there! You must meet certain requirements to reserve your spot. Which includes a background check, a questionnaire, and an ID! Here are all the places where the event will be taking place!

I watch as they show a list of states and where event locations are, and sure enough I see New York City show up.
Lauren chips in, "We're super close to the event location! We should definitely apply!!" "What?" I pause the video again. "Why do you want to apply?"
"To find an alpha, what other reason could I have? And if I apply you're applying with me!"
I almost choke from too much air I sucked in, "I don't want to apply! It seems like too much of a hassle, and I'm not interested in finding an Alpha!" Lauren whines, "You need to put yourself out there! You don't have a social life, I'm your only friend, and you work at an old people grocery store! It will be good for you to mingle! You don't just have to find an alpha, you could even make new friends! And plus, I don't want to go alone!"
I ponder at her words, and she's right, everything she said was true. I don't really have other friends besides my coworkers at work, and I don't go to parties or anything of the sort. Lauren will invite me to go but I always refuse, i just hate when all the attention is on me. I hate the way Alphas look at me like I'm a piece of meat. Or the judgmental looks I get from other omegas, I hate it. I'd rather just stay out of it.
Lauren notices the uneasiness on my face, she rubs my back gently. "Hey, if you don't want to go you don't have to. I just thought it could be a fun experience, and maybe you could find someone that will care for you. You're a total catch, sweet, funny, a bit awkward sometimes but that just makes you cuter!" She gives me a tight hug and I can't help but smile. "Fine." Lauren pulls away, "What?"
Hopefully I don't regret this, "I'll apply too, it sounds like it could be fun," I give her an awkward smile. I don't have time to think when she gives me a hard bear hug. We both go tumbling to the ground, "Eeeee! I'm so excited, we should apply tomorrow! We'll go shopping for dresses then maybe some new makeup! I saw a commercial for a new eye shadow palette!" I almost suffocate as she tightens her grip, "Lauren...get up please!" She releases her grip, "Sorry don't know my own strength, but in all seriousness it will be fun! And who knows, a lot of rich and famous alphas attend this event. Maybe you'll find yourself a billionaire husband, just like in those K-dramas you love to watch!" I feel myself blush a little, "I highly doubt that." Lauren tussles my hair, "You're so humble Dominant Omega~, let's finish the video!"

If you're lucky enough to be chosen you'll receive a packet with more information about this event. The time you can apply is September 10th through October 17th, so hurry before it's too late! If you want to apply online please visit This a once in a year opportunity, over a thousand of happy couples have met through this event so what's stopping you from finding your fated mate?
Matched by Fate, apply today.

Authors Note:
My plan is to write a chapter each day for the prologue, I can't wait to see where this story goes 😊

Matched by Fate: Prologue Where stories live. Discover now