Chapter 7

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  How many Alphas did I talk to? 20? It's more tiring than I thought It'd be. I already drunk all of my champagne, so I just sat and played with the rim of my cup. Soon another alpha takes a seat, he has a wide grin as soon as he sniffs my wrist. Everyone's reaction has been the same, we say hello and introduce ourselves. They see my wrist band and then sniff me, they then tell me I smell wonderful. They talk about their job and how Alpha they are, I just sit and nod and try to get a few words in. Then the timer runs out and it's rinse and repeat.
And I haven't really connected with anyone yet, the only person that actually stood out was Keegan. But he was a real ass, and I'd rather not be paired up with him. I ignore my thoughts as I take a sniff of this alphas wrist. They all kinda have the same scent, Keegan had a more interesting...Get out of my head Keegan! I smile "You smell nice, so how's this night going for you?" He yaps about how long it took for him to arrive and that he's been here before but he hasn't stayed with anyone he matched with. "But I think I may have already found the one!" He grabs onto my hand, Oh god. "That's good, I hope I find the one I'm looking for too!" I see his face drop as I pull my hand away from his, I hear the timer go off. "Times up!" Thank god, "It was wonderful meeting you, I hope we meet again soon." He grabs my hand one last time and kisses it. Please don't just grab me like that. I pull my hand away once more, "Maybe!" I slump over with relief when he walks away, When will we take the break? I spot the staff bring out covered trays which I assume are the snacks they promised. So hungry!
    "Hello." I break out of my daze and face the Alpha, my eyes widen and I feel my cheeks flush. He extends out his hand, "I'm Logan Maxwell, it's a pleasure to meet you." I stare at him with red cheeks, Its the blonde hottie from the waiting room! He's in front of me right now! He straightens his posture, "What's your name miss?" I blush harder as he pulls me away from my thoughts, "Sorry! I'm Caroline Flores!" He rolls up his sleeve, "Its a beautiful name, here." He extends his hand to me, He's the first Alpha to offer his scent first. What a gentleman! I grab his hand and I lean into his wrist. I breathe in his scent deeply, Its so masculine, he smells like the ocean, I could sniff him forever, I hear him let out a deep grunt. Did he laugh? "Sorry! You smell amazing! Haha..." He then hold his hand out, "Your turn." I hold out my hand and he grabs it, He leans in super close and takes a sniff. I feel my whole body shutter as he takes in my scent. "I must say out of everyone I talked to so far, your scent is the most unique."  "Like a good or bad unique?" He fixes his suit sleeve, "Its a good unique, you smell like cherries with a hint of vanilla. It's very nice." Getting compliments from him is going to be the end of me! But the smell of cherries and vanilla is unique? "Thank you, sorry if I'm being weird. I've never been to this kind of place before." I struggle to keep my eyes on his, "I've been to this event before, but even now it's still pretty awkward. I'm never good at these kinds of events." My eyes widen, So he's nervous too? I smile, "Well it's nice knowing I'm not the only one!"
We talk about what work we do, he's a production manager for a popular magazine he just didn't say which one. Which I wasn't expecting from his appearance, I thought he was a lawyer or something. "That's really cool, I just work at a grocery store. Kinda lame huh?" I cringe as I tell him that. Almost everyone has had something to say about me working at a grocery store, "Not at all, if you like working there then that's good. You should work at places you enjoy working at, it's better than working a job you hate." "Do you like your job?" He sits there silently, "It has its ups and downs but I like it." Hmmm. "It must be tiring, I can see the dark lines under your eyes."
"You can see them huh?" I register what I just said. "I'm sorry! I wasn't trying to insult you, in fact I think it looks good!" Oh god I'm so stupid! I hear him actually laugh, I look up shyly. He smiles at me for the first time tonight, "Don't worry, it's my fault for my lazy appearance. I came here as soon as I finished my work at the office." "Well, you still look very handsome." I blush as I give him the compliment, "Thank you, you look amazing as well." I can feel myself melting! Without thinking I clench my thighs together, "You know you're-"
   I hear the timer go off, Aww damn! "It looks like our time is up my dear, it's been a pleasure Caroline." He gets up to stand, I stand up too. "It was really nice talking to you!" I hold my hand out, he shakes it. "It was, bye now." He walks over to the next table, I sit back down. He was so hot and mature, I think I like him the most! Soon another man takes a seat, How will anyone top that!
   The timer goes off once more, "It's break time, you may get up and walk around. There are drinks and snacks available as well," I stand up almost immediately. Finally! I make my way to the long table by the door, where everyone else was standing. I see Keegan at the very end of the table, and he's surrounded by omegas. I guess he wasn't lying, they're all over him. I try to find Logan but I don't see him anywhere, I put all of my attention back on the snack table. Ohh! Cupcakes! I grab one and peel the wrapper and I bite into it, It tastes like heaven! Mid bite I start to feel uneasy, I look up and everyone is staring at me. I lower my gaze as I take another bite, Why is everyone gawking at me! I walk to another part of the table, "Excuse me, sorry." Two large alphas make room for me, I grab a drink from the table and I take a large gulp. I set it back on the table and I hear the two alphas whispering beside me. Can you both at least wait until I'm out of earshot! I wonder if Lauren has been texting me, god I wish I brought my phone! I walk over to the beta standing by the door, "Do you know where I can find the restroom?" He tells me it's down the hall on the right.
I walk into the bathroom and I walk up to the mirror. Finally! I felt so suffocated in there, I wish I could just be invisible. I look at my face in the mirror, and my face is redder than a tomato. Is this why everyone was staring at me? Why am I so red?! I get some water on my hand and put them on my cheeks. I hear a toilet flush and the stall door open, they walk up to the sink next to me and starts washing their hands. "Did you come in here to take a breather?" I look at the woman next to me, and my eyes widen. "No way! Are you a dominant omega too!" She holds her hand to show her blue wrist band, "I am, are you one too?!" I show her my band, She then gives me her full attention. "Oh my god! That's so cool! I've never met another dominant omega at this event before!" I look at her more closely, and I gasp.
    "You're Erica Sterling! The influencer?" She smiles, "Yes I am! What's your name?" I perk up fast, "I'm Caroline Flores! My friend is a big fan of yours, she always shows me your posts and your products! But I never knew you were a dominant!" She grabs some paper towels to dry her hands, "Yeah I don't really like to flaunt that you know? I just hate the extra attention."
"I get it, everyone kept staring at me back there and it's just so nerve wracking!"
"I know right? It's so overwhelming!" So we're going through the same stuff huh? Lauren will freak when I tell her, I wish I had my phone! I'd ask for a picture! Erica takes out her phone, "We should probably head back, the break is almost over. Want to go together?" I nod, "Sure!"
   She opens the door for me, "Let's go!" We both walk down the hallway, I take this time to admire her. She's slightly shorter than me, she's wearing a black dress with spaghetti straps, and it has a slit down the side, it's a simple yet sexy dress. And her long straight black hair went all the way down to her lower back. She's so pretty! I bet a professional did her hair and makeup, I can't believe I'm walking side by side with a celebrity! We walk back into the room and all eyes turned towards us, I flinch. Erica grabs my hand all of a sudden, "Don't let them intimidate you, you have to intimidate them." I look at her with surprise, then I look ahead of us. She's right! She lets go of me and we both walk into the crowd of people. They're whispering again, but just ignore it Caroline!
   "We're the stars tonight, every alpha in this room wants us." She whispers and I nod in agreement. She's confident! I need to learn a few things from her!
"Take your seats everyone, matching will continue in 2 minutes!" She turns to me, "It was wonderful meeting you! Maybe we'll meet again soon!" I smile, "I hope so too, good luck with finding an alpha!" "You too Caroline!" We both walk away to our tables, She's so nice! Lauren's going to be so jealous! I walk back to my table and take my seat. 
I feel more relaxed now, let's finish this!
"Alright, the matching will start up again now!"

Authors Note:
She now officially met the hot blonde man from the waiting room, Logan Maxwell. And maybe even made a new friend with Erica!
Who will she meet next chapter?

Characters so far:
Caroline Flores
Lauren- Carols friend
Keegan- the annoying pretty boy
Logan Maxwell- The blonde businessman
Erica Sterling- The social media influencer

Thank you for reading ❤️

Matched by Fate: Prologue Where stories live. Discover now