4: I'll Probably Die A Cliché

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It's almost unbearably hot. Almost.

    The sun hangs high overhead, casting its heated glare over the lawn where Venetia and I lounge, beach towels spread over the grass and what used to be a pitcher of ice-cold water between us (rapidly losing its chill in the heat). I shift on my towel, rolling over to lay on my stomach so my back gets an even tan with the rest of me. I can't tell if Venetia is awake or asleep through her thick, wide eyed, sunglasses. Not wanting to disturb her if she is napping, I turn my attention to Felix and Farleigh, a little ways away, kicking a soccer ball back and forth.

    Felix's hair bounces around his head as he does a little trick with the ball - bouncing it back and forth on his knees before passing it back to Farleigh. Farleigh, who seems much less adept with a soccer ball, just slams it back at Felix as hard as he can, and laughs when Felix can't catch it. Neither of them are wearing a shirt - not that I really am either, in my bikini - and I don't blame them. I can't imagine doing anything actually active in this heat.

    "Stop staring at my brother."

    I turn my head towards Venetia. "I thought you were asleep. And I wasn't."

    I can't see her eyes behind her sunnies, but her mouth quirks like she's rolling them. "You so totally were-"

    "I don't understand why you're so worried that I'm going to fuck your brother." I say, deadpan. I get it, to an extent - it would be weird, and probably make her uncomfortable - but the way she keeps insisting makes it seem like she doesn't trust me. Like she's waiting for me to go behind her back. "I'm not going to throw our friendship away for some dick, V, please. You're way more important to me than getting laid."

    She lowers her sunglasses with a finger, peering over the top of the lenses, up at me. "Promise?"

    "Promise." I hold out my hand for a pinky swear, and smile when she locks our fingers together.

    A brief silence passes between us, and I let my gaze wander down her body, tracing over her prominent hip bones with my eyes. She slides her sunglasses back into place, and tucks her arms behind her head, a makeshift cushion amongst her hair. A little ways away, Farleigh swears, ,and Felix laughs.

    "So what's the deal with that?" I ask, trying to come off as casual and not pressuring. "Your whole thing with Felix."

    "What'd'ya mean?" Venetia asks - it's a front though, the tone of her voice tells me that she knows exactly what I'm talking about.

    "Why were you so worried that I was gonna fuck your brother?" I ask, now peering over the top of my own sunglasses, down at her.

    Her face shifts, and she wrinkles her nose. She shifts on her towel, rolling so that she's now laying on her stomach too. With a long sigh, she flips her hair neatly over her shoulder. "Last summer, the lad that Felix brought home, Eddie - he and I had a bit of a fling. And Fi got all up in arms about it, and he and Eddie aren't friends at all anymore, and I guess I'm just worried that now that I've brought a friend of my own home, that he'll try and do the same. Get revenge, you know."

    My gaze shifts back to Felix, who's now got Farleigh in a headlock as they wrestle for the soccer ball. "That seems ridiculously petty." I note.

    Venetia's petulant pout turns into a smile. "We Cattons are known for that sort of thing." She says, like it's something to be proud of.

    "Mm." I hum, watching as Farleigh wiggles his way out of Felix's grasp and makes a grab for the soccer ball, only for Felix to grab him by the ankle and pull him backwards along the grass. I grimace - I can only imagine the scratches that being dragged across the dry lawn left on his chest.

    "You're right, it's a silly thing to be so paranoid about." She acquiesces, tilting her head towards me. "Sorry for being annoying 'bout it."

    "Nah, you weren't being annoying, I just didn't know, like, what you were so worried about." I say. "Felix isn't even my type."

    She laughs at that, and reaches over to the pitcher between us to pour some more water into her mostly empty cup. "I know - he's not pretty enough for you." She teases, sipping her drink.

    I roll my eyes. "It's not about being pretty-"

    "Sorry," She cuts me off, cocking her head. "Effeminate, then? Not foppish enough?"

    I reach over and playfully shove her shoulder with a smile. "Venetia Catton, you are mean, did you know that? I take care of you when you're blackout drunk, or high off your ass, or crying over a guy for a whole year and you repay me by making fun of me."

    "'S'not my fault you like 'em a little gay." She says, rolling back onto her back to sit up. "Ciggie?" She offers, reaching for the box of Marlboro 100s she'd tossed down in the grass when we'd set down our towels.

    "Sure." I say, kneeling back onto my haunches to take the cigarette she offers me. I tuck it between my lips, and reach for the lighter that landed by the pitcher. I light it quickly, and take a greedy drag - this is the one thing from this study abroad that I think will stick with me for the rest of my life - a nicotine addiction.

    Venetia takes her own cigarette and touches it's end to mine, lighting it off my cherry before leaning back to place it between her lips. There's a brief pause as the exhales before she says, "I'm glad you're here, Evie."

    "I'm glad you invited me." I return, laying back down to bask in the sun.

    And it's a good thing I do, because next thing I know, the soccer ball is soaring over me, right through the air where I'd just been sitting.

    "Watch it!" Venetia says, leveling a glare at Felix and Farleigh, as they amble over to collect their ball. "That would've hit Evie square in the face."

    "Sorry, sorry." Felix says, hopping over the pitcher in chase of the ball.

    I sit up onto my elbows as Farleigh stops in front of us. Sweat pools on his brow and collects at the base of his throat, giving him almost a glittery sheen. "Wouldn't want to damage those perfect teeth." He says, reaching for the water pitcher. "Can I borrow a glass?"

    "Here." I say, handing him mine.

    He grins, and pours himself a healthy helping of our water. He gulps it down greedily, fast enough where some of it dribbles out the side of the glass and rolls down his face to land on his chest. When he's done, he hands my glass back with a grin, and wipes his mouth on the back of his hand. "Thanks Eves."

    "No problem." I return his grin.

    From behind us, Felix throws the soccer ball, and it thwacks Farleigh directly in the head, causing Farleigh to let out an indignant splutter. Their game begins again as Felix hops back over the pitcher, and Farleigh kicks the ball as hard as he can towards Felix, and misses.

    Venetia watches them for a moment, and then turns to me, an eyebrow peeking over the top of her sunnies.

    I force my face to remain neutral, and look steadfastly ahead.

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