8: And the Secrets We're Not Proud of Were Taken With the Tide

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My bikini has never gotten as much use as it does here. It seems like the only appropriate thing to wear, with the sun beating down as it does, even for activities that are decidedly not water-based. Like now, as I follow behind Venetia, her copy of Harry Potter and a water bottle tucked under my arm.

    The grass grows steadily rougher and taller as we get further from the house, and begins to scratch at my ankles. "And it's just a field?" I ask.

    Venetia rolls her eyes, looking back over her shoulder to me. "It's tradition, Evie. Everyone that comes here for the summer has to participate. No exceptions."

    "It's just a little weird, right?" I ask. "Getting naked just to sit in a field?"

    "You're telling me you're not curious at all about what Ollie's hiding under his shorts?" She says.

    "Not really." I say, honestly.

    "Farleigh then?" She says, teasing.

    Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. "No."

    I can tell by her grin that she doesn't believe me at all.

    As soon as we reach the edge of the real field, the line where the grass reaches my thighs, Venetia starts to strip, untying the strings of her bikini and letting the bits of fabric fall to the grass. A little ways into the tall grass, Felix and Farleigh's heads can just be seen, Farleigh's sunglassed eyes pointed in our direction.

    When Venetia's fully undressed, she takes her book and the bottle from me, and traipses into the grass. Nerves flare up as I start to undress, trying to ignore the eyes in the grass, watching. I let my top drop first, and then the bottoms, and then quickly make my way into the grass, finding a spot between Venetia and Farleigh, just like the dinner table seating.

    "You have a tattoo." Farleigh says.

    It forces me to look at him, and I steadfastly look at his face and not any lower. "I do." I'd sort of forgotten about it, considering that it's not usually out in the open, hidden away on my hip. It's small - a little set of plastic vampire teeth.

    "What's it for?" He asks.

    "Halloween." I admit, a little shamefully. "It's my favorite holiday."

    On my other side, Venetia laughs. "So American."

    I make myself more comfortable, and bring my sunglasses down from my hair and back where they belong. It's weird - but I'm not the only one that's naked, and it's a good opportunity to get rid of my tan lines. Venetia dives back into Harry Potter, seemingly unbothered by the nakedness. I can't wrap my head around the dynamic between her and Felix - I would never want to see my brothers naked, much less willingly.

    As subtly as I can, I turn, and take a peek at Farleigh from behind my sunglasses. I can't help that he's hot - a bitch, sure - but undeniably hot. Long, lean and gorgeously brown, he's ridiculously my type - something I'd been missing at Cambridge. Something about being one of the most prestigious schools in England seems to make the student body so... boring. Classic, some would say, but the same Ralph Lauren polo and sweater combination gets tired after a while.

    Still, I'm not sure if I like him. He really is a bitch, for lack of a better word. The way he talks to Oliver, to Pamela - about Venetia, last night on the steps outside - is just plain mean. I can't know what goes on in his head, but the way he's so outspoken to Oliver and Pamela, and the way that he so aggressively questioned me last night - he called me a guard dog, but I could just as easily use that on him. Fierce towards outsiders, and barely rewarded for it.

    The rest of this house, eccentric as they are, fall easily into patterns. Farleigh is the one I can't understand.

    My thoughts are broken by Venetia's voice. "We're over here, Ollie!"

    Felix perks up as well. "Hi mate!"

    I shift, propping myself up on an elbow to get a look at him. "Hey."

    Farleigh stirs, an amused grin coming over his face. "No trunks allowed in the field."

    I expect Oliver to balk, considering how he wears his shirts buttoned all the way to the top, but he strips with almost no hesitation, and continues on his way over to where we've camped out in the bush. My eyes widen.

    "Well well well." Farleigh says, still amused, but now in a different way.

    "Leave him alone." Felix says, gesturing for Oliver to come sit by him.

    "Good for you." Farleigh says, and then tips his head towards me. "What a twist."

    "I know." I say, keeping my voice low enough that hopefully only Farleigh and Venetia can hear me. I turn to look at Venetia, peering over the top of my sunglasses with a knowing look.

    "Stop it." She hisses, shooting me a sharp look, and then flicking her eyes toward Farleigh, turning my implication back around on me.

    I roll my eyes, and move my sunglasses back into place. I hate that she's right.

Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant