27: You've Got Salty Nails, Ripping Open Wounds You Told Me to Let Heal

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I watch Venetia pour herself another glass of wine with a shaking hand.

It's lunch, and it isn't at the same time. We are scattered around the table in complete silence - only James and Elspeth eat. I didn't understand what people meant when they said 'the cold-hearted English' before, but I do now, watching as they all pretend that nothing has happened, even when their son's body is still in the backyard. I look down at the untouched slice of shepherd's pie on my plate. I need to get out of this house. I need to throw up.

The quiet click of shoes on the wood signals Duncan's arrival.

Elspeth pats her napkin around her lips. "What is it, Duncan?"

Duncan's voice is pained. "It's the police, Your Ladyship. They are...er...having trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Elspeth asks.

A brief moment of silence lingers before Duncan speaks again. "They keep getting lost in the maze."

Another moment of silence permeates the room, until Farleigh laughs, sharp and sad. It echoes around the dining room, even after James shoots an icy glare in his direction. James's attention turns to Duncan. "And?"

"May I send one of the gardeners to assist them?" Duncan looks straight ahead, never meeting James's eyes.

James turns his attention back to his plate. "Fine."

Duncan disappears, shoes clicking back down the hall. For a moment the table is silent, only the sounds of James and Elspeth's forks scraping against their plates echoing around the room. Venetia drains her glass of wine. Next to me, Farleigh sits stock still in his seat. I know that if I look at either of them I'll start crying, so I don't.

At the end of the table, Elspeth forces a smile. "Oliver, darling. Why don't you tell us about last night?"

Across the table, Oliver looks up from his plate. "Last night?"

Elspeth stills smiles. "Mmmm. Did you have a lovely time?"

"Yeah." Oliver says. "It was wonderful. Thank you."

Wonderful? Felix died. I watch in amazement and horror as half the table pretends that nothing happened - that there isn't a dead body in the backyard.

"Oh good!" Elspeth presses on. "I think it was a hit, don't you darling?"

"Oh yes." James agrees. "A triumph."

A triumph. Bile rises in the back of my throat, and I feel like I might vomit right here at the table, spilling my guts across the patterned tablecloth.

"Yes, the house looked good." Elspeth says.

"Beautiful." James chimes in.

Oliver perks up again. "And that cake was-"

"Oh did you like it?" Elspeth cuts him off, tittering. "I never had any in the end. That's always the way, isn't it? You end up running around so much you miss the actual party."

The click of shoes on the wood signals Duncan's arrival again.

James doesn't even look at him, his voice tight. "What now?"

Duncan leans down, close to James ear - but the room is so quiet I can hear him anyway. "May I be permitted to close the curtains, sir? The coroner is outside and may need to pass the window-"

James interrupts him. "Yes. Thank you. Close them."

Duncan stands up, and walks to the window as Oliver continues. "I don't normally like chocolate cake."

Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz