Echoes of Loss: Ratchet's Embrace

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•Ratchet x Sparkmate| Reader •

In the cavernous halls of the Autobot base, Ratchet, the seasoned and pragmatic medic, found solace in the company of his sparkmate, [ Name]. Their shared spark had weathered the storms of war, and together they had embarked on the journey of parenthood. Yet, the echoes of loss lingered, casting shadows upon their bond.

As present time unfolded, [ Name] remained ensconced in the quiet depths of grief, the pain of losing their sparkling a persistent ache within her spark. The war had proven merciless, claiming the life of their precious creation, leaving an indelible mark on their lives.

Ratchet, with a heavy spark, observed [ Name] from across the room, her once vibrant spirit dimmed by the weight of sorrow. He approached her with a tender touch, his optics reflecting both love and understanding.

"[ Name], you can't blame yourself for what happened," Ratchet murmured, his voice a gentle reassurance. "It was the war that took our sparkling away, not you."

[ Name]'s optics, clouded by grief, met Ratchet's, searching for solace. She nodded, but the weight of guilt lingered in the silent spaces between them.

Days turned into weeks, and [ Name] withdrew into a cocoon of silence, her spirit eclipsed by the shadows of loss. Ratchet, undeterred by her reticence, continued to stand by her side, offering silent support and unwavering love.

One day, as the Autobot base buzzed with activity, Miko, ever curious and perceptive, approached [ Name] with a gentle inquiry.

"Hey, [ Name], I've noticed you've been really quiet lately. Is everything okay?" Miko asked, her concern genuine.

[ Name], torn between the desire to share her pain and the fear of burdening others, hesitated. Ratchet, sensing her internal struggle, stepped forward, placing a supportive servo on her shoulder.

"We lost our sparkling during the war, Miko," Ratchet explained with a somber tone. "It's been hard for [ Name], and she's grieving. Sometimes, it takes time."

Miko's eyes widened in understanding, and without a word, she offered a sympathetic nod, acknowledging the depth of [ Name]'s pain.

As the days unfolded, Ratchet and [ Name] navigated the tumultuous waves of grief together. Ratchet's unwavering support became a beacon of light in the darkness, a testament to the enduring power of love amidst the ravages of war.

In the quiet moments shared between them, Ratchet held [ Name] close, their sparks intertwined as they faced the echoes of loss together. The Autobot base, once a bustling hub of camaraderie, bore witness to the quiet strength that emerged from the depths of sorrow—an enduring testament to the resilience of [ Name] and Ratchet's bond.


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