Ch. 1: The Beginning of it all

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The smell of warm pecan pie filled the old rickity farm house as our house mom, Miss Wtihers, took it out of the even older wood burning oven. she set the fresh treat on the windowsill hoping to get the dough on top to settle more into the pan. Unfortuantly, the others boys were planning something a little more ceniving while setting up the camping gear. Boss thought it was 'man building activity' to go camping over the weekend. All this gear looked about twenty years old, couldnt be any earlier than the 40's. Johnny heard from Tony heard from Isaac that Boss served in WWII, which would explain that thing on his arm and he always seem to have this look in eye's. anyways, the other boys had the bright idea to take some of that pie to go camping with it. As the oldest I volunteered to get it because if any of my brothers, even larry, got in trouble just one more time they're gonna get kicked from yet another boys home. I sneaked by the winduh slowly and quietly, i can hear Miss Withers trying to whistle the tune to I Love Lucy, shes not very good at it. The whistling stops and i find myself directly under the winduh crouching ever so slightly as i recently got a growth spurt shortly after my sixteenth birthday. It was maybe a few months ago, time dont matter at this point. I begin to reach up wrap my hands around the still warm contraband. As soon as i pull it down I run as fast as i can and reach my brothers and some of the others boys . I hand it over and use an old, questionable, switch blade to cut the pie. Boy was that pecan a perfect blend of sweet and salty. That was one thing i liked about the farm house, Miss Withers is a better cook than any of the friend's houses I've stayed at. We're all chowing down enjoying every bite with smiles, We hear Miss Withers scream and we burst with laughter. And suddenly it got quiet. And that was it. My last day in the boys home. I packed- well "packed", my toothbrush but left the toothpaste for my brothers and waited outside. I waited for what felt like hours.

And there she was, the most free spirited woman i'd ever met. My Mother.

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