Ch. 2: The Journey

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Suppose I should introduce my buddy Johnson. He's was a small skinny guy with blonde hair, green eyes and glasses. He had a milk farmer accent and boy did that not help him. Johnson and i became quick friends in the shit and as we had but one thing in common, our humor. We tended to make light of things during the dark times. Thats what we called boot camp.

Me and johnson were walkin down the main Hall to head to chow like everyone else when we heard my name bein said in one of the rooms. We couldn't quite make out what they were saying but it didnt sound good. When we got to chow i tried not to think bout it but damn was that hard. Everyone here is fresh out of boot and doesnt want to talk due to the drilling we got last time. The specialty today was a shocking Mr. E. Right in the middle of my dilectable i get called out loud and earnestly from the front of the chow hall. I get up leaving my MRE in the process. Hell i didnt wanna take that with me. shit food anyway. The man who called my name was Mr. Odebt. A short, stubby man with a clean shaven face. Seems no one taught him how to shave cause the tissue paper was still dried up on his neck and chin. He proceeded to explain to me that the reason my squad wasnt leaving with the rest of my platoon just yet was because of my age. Can't legally be in a comat zone till im 18 apparently.

Bein the ripe age of 17 in the Military is tough. You can't legally do your one job. Kill people. Nevertheless, the bulk of my platoon leaves in a month so that leaves us about two months behind. Not too Bad.

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