Beginning of it all

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The man she was talking to was a big built man with a mustache that didnt go past the corners of his mouth, made him look like Boss kind of. Next thing i know im on a bus for 17 hours till i reached the great CAMP LA-JUNE. For 13 or some odd weeks i was, how do i put this. I was gettin shit shoved in and out of me and smoke comin out too. All the drill instructers picked on me greatly cause of my age. I thinks that what it was about at least. Soons i thought it was over i get bussed down tuh Camp Pendleton for some more training. I's heard about all that Vietnam stuff on the television set at the farmhouse but the wire to the set was so old we coudlnt hardly hear nothin between Boss gettin mad we're watching that crap and the boys grumbling bout how shit the Television was in the first place. AS if any of those boys had seen something greater than that. But apparently thats what were training for. Some nights I'd Wondered why she dropped me off at that particular building that day. And not the one next door that said 'Pro-seker Aye-lis' or somethin. How different I'd be.

Fresh out of training and we get word we're leaving for Vietnam soon as the flight was ready, Good thing i was already packed up. More than jus a tooth brush too. Hell i had whole pack on me now. I reckon after training i could get through just about anything. even this damn heavy pack on my back all the time, scratchin up my shoulders to high hell.

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