Season 1: siete

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My alarm clock woke me up, giving me more of a headache than I already had.

I got up, but as soon as my feet touched the ground, I ran straight to the bathroom.

I felt someone hold my hair back and rub my back. 'I don't remember anything' I mumbled to Cesar, making him chuckle.

I flushed the awful smell and stood up with Cesar's help. 'We don't have much time to go to school' Cesar said as I rinsed my mouth. 'So, we have to hurry up' he said as I started brushing my teeth.

'How much did I drink?'

'A lot' Cesar chuckled. 'I tried to walk us past Oscar without being suspicious that you were drunk, but then you started asking everyone why they were bald'

I rubbed the sides of my head. 'No more tequila shots this week' I said, making Cesar laugh and me shush him.

'What are you still doing here?' Oscar stood in front of the doorway. 'Go to school, idiotas'

'Yeah, I'm not going' I shook my head, trying to get out of the bathroom. Oscar stopped me, handed me a ibruprofen and a glass of water.

'If you're gonna get wasted like one of them white girls, you face the consequences' Oscar said sternly. 'You're going to school'


Another week had gone by and it's now Halloween. Everyone was dressed up, Angel and I included.

We were dressed like mr and ms Smith, the movie, not the crazy ass familie. Only we were both Angelina Jolie. Duh.

'Jamal Turner. Jamal Turner. Please report to the office' we heard over the speaker, making both Angel and I chuckle.

'How much trouble can these fifteen year olds get in?' Angel asked as we were both painting some fruit.

We were in art class, to me the most boring class. Normally I like art class, but I thought we were gonna draw whatever we wanted and shit. Not paint fruit.

'Wanna come over to Ruby's later? I have to babysit them since his parents are gonna be with the little ones, in case they do stupid shit' I asked her.

'I can't, my mom said I had to babysit my little brother, since she has the night shift' Angel sighed, stealing some of my paint.

'Ruby said I have to come in costume' I rolled my eyes as Angel laughed. 'Typical Ruby'

'What are you going as?'

'A pirate' I shrugged. 'I only had to buy a pirate hat. I have the rest of my clothes I could figure something out with'

'What are you guys gonna do?' Angel asked. 'Nothing! They're having a shut in. Putting on a costume for nothing' I huffed.

A few hours later, Cesar and I were walking outside of the house in our costumes. Not without Oscar telling me my costume is too revealing, to which I flipped him off.

Cesar was dressed as Julius Caesar, which was my idea since he was looking for a last minute costume.

'Shut in!' Cesar cheered as he opened the door to Ruby's house.

'But I thought you guys were with Oscar?' Ruby asked, looking annoyed. 'Good to see you too' I scoffed, going to sit next to Monse.

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