Chapter 8: Observed Far Away

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Been trying to get this through as soon as I can, because now I'm back to college, unfortunately more busy this time. With that said, it would be complicated to handle my times on my projects and school, but I'll do best to continue with this.


Sunny woke to see he was in White Space, sitting up to look around. Izanagi and Jiraiya are nowhere to be seen, which makes sense to him since Yu and Yosuke are not here currently. On one side, Sunny can spot Basil with Aristaeus, talking about something as Aristaeus shows off the bees to his user. Basil looks at them nervously from a fear of getting stung but calmed down when the bees start to fly around him. He happily spins as well while his Persona watched him with amusement.

Then, Sunny looks at where the laptop is, seeing Omori and Morpheus huddling while watching something. Morpheus uses the veil as a blanket for them to warm up. Sunny smiles and goes to stand up, walking toward them.

"Hey, Omori, Morpheus," Sunny greeted, "What are you watching?"

"Hey Sunny," Omori waved a hand, "We're just watching a show I have found."

Sunny goes to take a look, seeing a slideshow of black and white images moving, showing scenes and movement from characters.

"I see, what is it about?" Sunny asked.

"Thriller mystery is all I can describe from the looks of it," Omori replied, "Doesn't say the title. Despite with no sounds, it's entertaining."

"As long as the story is engaging, then it's what matters to you."

"Yeah," Omori nodded, "So, what brings you here?"

"Basil and I are here to help him train by using his Persona," Sunny answered, "It's what we planned earlier."

"Oh right, but in that case, I'll be leading the training then."

Sunny nodded.

Omori stood up and turned to Morpheus, "Ready to go?"

"As you are," Morpheus said, standing up.

"Alright, we should get to Basil to help him out."

"Of course, let's proceed."

The three walk up to Basil and Aristaeus, who are still occupied with the bees.

"Hey Basil," Sunny greeted.

"Oh Sunny, you're finally here," Basil hopped up, "I'm ready to start with my training when you are."

"Right, also to keep in mind, if you're starting to get tired, we can stop. Having stamina while fighting is important, especially for using your Persona."

"Got it," Basil nodded, "Oh another thing, I remember that you have a weapon, like Yu and Yosuke do as well. If by chance I could have one as well?"

"I'll make one for you then," Omori said, popping up behind Basil.

Basil yelped as he looked back, "Oh, it's you, Omori..." he said, clasping his chest.

"Sorry, have to do that," he said, "Let me get my sketchbook and I'll provide it to you."

Omori goes back to his space and takes his sketchbook to draw a weapon. He pulls out a pair of garden shears and hands it to Basil.

"Here you go," he said.

"Oh um... thanks," Basil replied.

"What's the matter? Not what you're expecting?"

"N-No, it's not that, it's just... you know..."

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