To Apologize

18 0 0

October, 31

It's halloween.

I have to go trick-or-treating with Felix's daughter.

Yes, Felix has a freaking kid.
Her name's Felice.
His family has a thing with making their kids' names close to their parents.

Mom and Felix are going out somewhere and there was no one else to watch her. Around her family, her cousins are either around my age or babies, so she's kind of by herself age wise. I offered to take her, and for some cash. Felix agreed.

Anything for a twenty dollar bill.

(Not literally.)

Although, she's kind of a brat. Right before we were about to leave the house she kept complaining and shouting about how she didn't want to wear her coat. She threw a temper tantrum and I kept begging her to get up and put on her coat so we could leave.

I got tired of it.

I told her if she didn't wear a coat the outside temperature is going to affect her body temperature at 98.6 degrees. First I told her she'd get a cold, she didn't seem to care. Then I told her when it goes down her organs are going to freeze and when her organs freeze she wouldn't be able to use some of them. Example: Her stomach will freeze therefore she won't be able to digest all her candy when we get back. She jumped up after rolling all over the floor and crying and immediately put her coat on. I realized she had no tears.

This little shit..

Some school kids were passing out candy. It wasn't embarrassing, it was just awkward. I'd say "thank you" and "happy halloween" at their door like the normal and generous human being I am, for giving the brat candy and they'd just stare at me, say thanks, and close their door with an unreadable look on their face. I get not one smile, and I get not one happy halloween back. It's okay. The people with jobs and a life here are nice. Seeing parents trick or treating with their kids makes me really happy. Seeing healthy families in general touches my soft spots.

We walked by a few haunted houses. She begged me to go, and I told her hell no, then she threatened to tell her father that I swore. I told her I didn't care about her father or what her father thinks. That seemed to really upset her. She kept trying to wander off and talk with other kids and join their families. She keeps making me run after her. So, I told her if she ran away again I'd tape her to my back.

She believed it, and held my hand after.

She can be cute, but she's difficult.

I then let her pick the houses she wanted to go to (except haunted).

Which was maybe a bad idea.

"That one! Go back there!" She exclaims, suddenly pulling me backwards from the direction we were going.

"Felice! Can you not, we're going to bump into people." I try to pull her forward but she keeps trying to drag my back.

She's a strong little girl for a six year old.

"Okay!" I say, as she's at the verge of throwing another temper tantrum. We move from the sidewalk and on some grass. "Where?!"

"There!" She points.


"No, there!" She lets go of my hand and starts running across the street.

"No, Felice! What did I tell you?!" I scream, and run after her. She was already at the doorstep of a non-halloween decorated house. More.. fall. Although, I feel like I recognized it. It was too dark to tell. I grab her shoulder just as she reaches for the doorbell. "Felice.." I say calmly. "I told you to stay with me- DO NOT touch the doorbell."

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