Lost in the Forest

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My name is Adrian, I'm a new shopkeeper that just moved into Vesuvia. I was exploring the forest for herbs, and flowers before getting myself lost, I wandered for what felt like hours before Stumbling upon a hut In the middle of the woods. A strong man with scars Covering his body, chops wood by the entrance.

I try to keep my distance, before approaching, not wanting to spook the stranger. "Hello?" I Call out from the bushes. The man's head immediately Shoots back in my direction like a startled animal. "Who's there?!" He shouts back with an uneasy tone in his voice. I slowly emerge, into the clearing revealing myself.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you sir" I try to appear polite and non-threatening "But I just moved here and got lost in the forest and I'm not sure how to find my way back to the village." The man stares back at me confused.

"Who in their right mind would go through a forest unfamiliar to them without any direction?" He asks Sounding slightly irritated.

I flinch back at his words, Slightly offended by them. But he's right I probably should've asked for a map or guidance from one of the locals before making my journey. But still, his words sting making me feel foolish.

"I wasn't intending to stray far but I made a wrong turn somewhere along the way and ended up here..." I reply meekly. The stranger snorts back at me placing his axe down."Well you've come to the wrong, place. I can't help you" he almost looks through me as he says this.

"Why not?" I reply slightly irritated by his rudeness. His eyebrows shoot up as if he was just expecting me to just disappear into the leaves. "Because..." he trails off looking frustrated."I- I don't take kindly to strangers just showing up and demanding things from me..." he scoffs making me angry now. "I wasn't demanding!" I bark back. I take a moment to calm myself down not wanting to be completely pushed away by the stranger.

"I just need help" I whimper. He sighs rubbing his temples, "Look, even if I wanted to help you, You wouldn't remember and just get lost all over again. So what's the point? You're better off just retracing your steps back the way you came." The stranger turns away to grab another log to cut up turning away from me.

I look at him baffled "What do you even mean?! My memory is Completely fine." I snarl back at him. He slams down the axe through the wood trying ignore me.

"Look I understand if you're uncomfortable I'm on your land but you don't have to be a dick about it!" I shout trying to get him to respond to me. He slams down the axe once more shooting me a hateful look as he does making me fall silent.

I must've looked frightened because his gaze immediately softened. He lets the axe fall to the ground with an exasperated sigh "I'm Sorry." He combs his dark hair back out of his face. "I'm not good at people," he admits looking down and furrowing his brows "I... I have a spell on me that makes it so that everyone who sees me, forgets me as soon as they turn away..." he looks back up with a somber expression.

"That's what you meant about about me forgetting?" I ask stepping closer to him my tone softening with sympathy for him."Yes" he nods, "It can be very frustrating, to say the least." He sighs."That sounds awful. Is there anything that can be done about it?" I ask looking up at him.

He pauses as if deciding something in his head before pulling a bundle of herbs out of his packet. "Here" "he hands me the bundle.

I take it into my hands. examining it. Carefully before inhaling the scent of. the leaves. "Myrrh?" I ask curiously recognizing the smell almost instantly from the incense I use in my shop. He nods in response

"For some reason, scents are easily tied to memory. So if you carry that on you, you should be able to remember me," he explains.

"Thank you" I reply softly "May I ask what your name is?" I ask looking up at him. "Why?" he looks at me slightly blushing. "So I can get to know you better?" I chuckle slightly humored by this man's lack of people skills.

"You don't want to know me "he scoffs looking away. I shake my head in response to his self-deprecating comments, "Please?" I clasp my hands together trying to pry it out of him.

"Fine..." he sighs "It's Muriel" I smile back at him in response "Well Muriel, I'm Adrian." I stick out my hand to shake his. Muriel flinches away before hesitantly reaching out to shake my hand.

His hands are calloused and rough completely engulfing mine. I hadn't noticed until now but everything about him was large. He towered over me by many feet and his body was impressively built despite the scars, that covered it.

Something about him intrigued me, Making me want to know more. I wanted to know where he came from. Why he lived alone in the woods? Why was he covered in scars? I found myself getting lost in thought, snapping out of it when Muriel retracted his hand away from mine.

"So... I'm still lost and need directions" I smile up at him awkwardly. His eyes widen slightly as if he had forgotten. "Oh right..." He replies scratching his head. "Well, there's a map inside my hut somewhere..." he trails, off sounding hesitant.

"you do?" I ask excitedly. Happy at the possibility of finding my way home, "yes" he replies looking down at me with a sigh before opening the door to his hut. "come in..." He gestures for me to step inside begrudgingly.

"Thank you," I smile up at him as I make my way to the door. Before I'm fully inside, I pick up on the sound of thunder in the distance but don't think much of it. Muriel shuts the door softly behind me before making his way to a bookshelf looking for the map.

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