A Change in Plans

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I look around the hut taking in my surroundings. It is rustic and warm, with a fireplace crackling in the corner. Various pots and pans were hanging from the ceiling, along with dried herbs and vegetables.

Before I can comment on the cozyness of his home I'm jumped on by a large dog. No not dog, a wolf. It licks my face affectionately knocking me to the ground as it does.

Its fur is rugged but soft "Aww who's a good doggy?" I giggle as the wolf slobbers on my face. "Inanna Down." Muriel orders. Inanna jumps off of me quickly making her way to Muriel's side. I wipe my face with a grin "She's cute." I chuckle.

Muriel smirks "She's a good girl" he replies softly patting Inanna's head. He clears his throat heading back to the bookshelf and digging through its contents. Inanna wanders over to me again sitting at my feet. I Scratch behind her ears waiting for Muriel to find the map.

Muriel pulls out a dust-covered scroll from the shelf "Here it is" he holds it up handing it to me. I take it into my hands tentatively before unfurling the map onto a wooden table in the center of the room.

It shows a layout of Vesuvia with a detailed sketch of the forest bordering it. I trace my hands along the edges of the paper. It seems to be handmade. "Did you make this map yourself?" I ask surprised.

Muriel shrugs "I helped, but most of it was done by my father. He was an avid cartographer among other things," he replies with a hint of disdain in his voice. He walks over to the table leaning on it causing it to creak under his weight. He leans over my shoulder looking at the map with me.

"Hmmm," I survey the village finding a relative location of where my shop would be. "okay so, I entered the forest here" I point to the outskirts of the forest circling the village.

"I passed by this stream, before getting lost somewhere around here," I point to a patch of twisted trees, "which lead me in the direction of your hut." Muriel nods marking where my shop is and a path from his hut to the village.

Muriel tapped his finger on the spot I pointed out near the twisted trees. "That's...dangerous. Those trees are known to be cursed. People who have wandered too close rarely return. I'm surprised you made it out unscathed" His voice was low, almost a whisper.

"Well I'm lucky I ended up finding you then" I laugh nervously realizing I could've been in danger if I hadn't. Muriel blushes a little "Yeah I guess so," he replies with a hint of a smile on his face before shaking his head.

"You really should've been more careful" he scolds me, "You could've gotten hurt or worse" his voice is dark and weary. I look away slightly embarrassed "I know...I'm sorry" I fidget with my hair anxiously.

"Don't be sorry. Just don't be so reckless" he looks down at me rolling up the map. "Thank you for your help Muriel" I take the map and place it in my leather backpack. "Don't mention it. I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time before," he replies apologetically.

"That's alright you came around eventually" I chuckle patting his shoulder causing him to flinch at the sudden contact. I pull my hand away not meaning to startle him. "Well, I should be on my way then..." I say awkwardly getting up from the table.

I pet Inama on the head a final time before turning back to face Muriel smiling at him warmly. I open the door only to be greeted with a loud CRASH. I stumble backward caught off guard.

It's pouring rain outside and thunder rumbles in the distance. The woods are dark and unwelcoming. Small creatures scurry along the forest floor to find shelter against the harsh weather.

Muriel quickly rushes to my side peering out the window and gritting his teeth. "You can't go out in a storm like this..." Muriel shakes his head shutting the door, "It's not safe, you'll have to wait till morning"

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