Something Sweet

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I nod dropping the subject not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable. We continue our small talk as he finishes his dinner and tea. He offers for me to head back to the living room while he cleans up.

I take a seat by the fireplace as I hear bowls and cups clank in the sink. Innana comes to sit next to me and I pet her as we wait for Muriel to return.

Muriel finishes cleaning up the kitchen and joins me in the living room, sitting down stiffly on the couch. He seems to be avoiding my gaze, his cheeks slightly red.

"You ok?" I turn back to him still petting Inanna on her fuzzy head."Yeah, I'm fine." Muriel says clearing his throat. "Just... thinking about something." He shifts uncomfortably on the couch, his fingers twitching nervously.

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask fully turning around now slightly worried I did something. Muriel hesitates for a moment before shaking his head. "No, it's nothing important." He forces a small smile.

I look at him not fully convinced but drop it "Okay if you say so..." I crisscross my legs at his feet as Inanna climbs in my lap demanding more pets.

"Needy thing." he snorts. Muriel leans over slightly to pet Inanna with me, his fingers tracing along her fur. I smile at him seeing the tension leave his body as he focuses on her. "Cute" I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" Muriel asks, looking up from Inanna blushing. Shit, I said that out loud..."Cute. Inanna's cute" I scramble trying to cover up my act.

Muriel chuckles softly, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "You have a soft spot for animals, don't you?" He reaches out to gently ruffle Inanna's fur.

"I think any decent person does" I grin scratching under her chin making her hind leg itch wildly. Must've found a good spot.

Muriel watches Inanna's antics with a small smile on his face. "I suppose you're right." He looks back at me, hesitating for a moment before asking, "Would you like some more tea or anything?"

"Do you have anything sweet?" I ask perking up a bit. "Oh..." Muriel blinks, taken aback by my question. "Um, I have some honey if that counts?" He hesitates, clearly unsure if I'll find it acceptable.

"I like honey" I reply smiling at him. Muriel nods, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as well. "Alright, I'll get some for you." He stands up and walks over to a nearby cabinet, retrieving a small jar of honey.

Muriel returns holding a honey wand out to me. "Is this hand-carved?" I ask running my hand over the smooth wood.

Muriel nods, looking a bit surprised by my question. "Yeah, I made most of my kitchen utensils" He offers me the honey, his fingers brushing against mine as he hands it over.

I can't help but blush at the sudden contact even if it was just for a moment. I swirl the wand in the honey jar and hold it up to drip down into my mouth so I don't contaminate the golden liquid.

Muriel watches you with a mix of curiosity and surprise, his cheeks flushing. He clears his throat softly, looking away for a moment before focusing on the honey again. "So..." his voice trails off like he's asking a question.

I wipe my mouth placing the wand back in the jar. "Yes?" I reply licking honey from my fingers.

Muriel clears his throat again, looking a bit nervous. "I-I was just going to ask if you wanted some bread or something to eat with that." He gestures towards the honey jar.

I giggle realizing I probably look foolish eating honey by itself. "Yes please" I smile up at him.

Muriel nods, moving to the kitchen counter to retrieve a bread box. He opens it and slices off a few pieces from the loaf. He hands it over to me on a wooden plate I also assume he carved.

I drizzle honey on one of the slices bringing it to my mouth and biting down. The bread is soft with nuts and seeds sprinkled throughout it.

Muriel watches you eat, his eyes following the movement of my lips and hands. He seems to be fighting a losing battle in his mind.

"Did you make this bread yourself too?" I ask before taking another bite trying to break him out of his thought.

Muriel nods. "Yes, I like to bake when I have the time." He clears his throat again, glancing away from me for a moment before looking back.

"It's good. I like the texture of it" I smile before wiping more honey from the side of my mouth. Muriel smiles back at me, his eyes softening slightly. "Thank you," he says quietly. "I'm glad you like it." He looks down at the plate in my hands hesitantly.

"You want some?" I ask drizzling honey on another piece of bread. Muriel swallows hard, his eyes flicking up to meet mine for a moment. "If you don't mind...," he says softly, looking at the piece of bread in my hand.

I rise up from my spot on the floor and bring the bread to Muriel's lips. Holding my hand under it so honey doesn't drip on him.

Muriel's eyes widen watching me carefully. I can almost hear the sound of his heart racing as I bring the bread closer to him. He opens his mouth slightly.

He bites down gently taking a small bite. He shakily takes the bread into his own hands brushing over mine as he does. the same rush I felt before courses through me now. I shouldn't feel this connected to him we've only known each other a few hours. Still...there was just something about him that drew me in. I lick more honey from my fingers watching him eat.

Muriel chews slowly, savoring the taste of the bread and honey. His gaze meets mine for a moment before his eyes trail over my lips. As if realizing he was caught he takes another bite of bread quickly looking away.

I blush but try not to think much of it getting the last piece of bread for myself. Muriel continues to eat his bread too the room becoming silent.

I finnish my bread before realizing honey had dripped down my breast. "Dang it" I mutter trailing my thumb up to collect the golden liquid "I'm gonna be all sticky now" I chuckle before licking my thumb.

Muriel's eyes follow the trail of honey from my breast to my mouth. His face turns a deep shade of red. I look up to you and blush as well. The silence between us only growing louder now.

Muriel clears his throat and stands up, "Let me put this up for you." He says awkwardly grabbing the empty crumb filled plate from my hands before walking towards the kitchen.

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