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Khaya was walking in the road not knowing not knowing what to do when suddenly got hit by a car,"what was that,"said the mysterious man,"I will go and check it out,"said the driver,"OH MY GOD,I HITTED A CHILD WITH A CAR,"said the driver,the mysterious man got out of the car,"IAM GOING TO JAIL,WHAT ABOUT MY MOTHER AND MY SIBLINGS, JACKSON I CAN'T GO TO JAIL I CAN'T,"said the driver, Jackson check the pulse of Khaya and found out his still breathing,"he is still alive,all we have to do is to call him a doctor, don't panic he is not going to die and you are not going to prison,"said Jackson lifting Khaya up and carrying him bridal style and put Khaya in the car,"start the car and let get going,"said Jackson calmly,"o-okey,"said the driver getting inside the car and started driving,they arrived into a huge mansion

Khaya was walking in the road not knowing not knowing what to do when suddenly got hit by a car,"what was that,"said the mysterious man,"I will go and check it out,"said the driver,"OH MY GOD,I HITTED A CHILD WITH A CAR,"said the driver,the myster...

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When they arrived they were nurses waiting for them,the nurse got Khaya out of the car carefully,then they took him in a room where the doctor was waiting.
Few hours later
"What is taking him so long,what if he dies then I am finished,"said the driver walking up and down,"calm down everything is going to be fine,the doctor knows what he is doing,so there's no need to stress Calvin,"said Jackson calmly,the doctor came out of the room,"doctor tell me is he going to be fine,"said Calvin,"the boy has lost a lot of blood so he in a critical condition...."the doctor was interrupted by Jackson,"we asked if he was going to be fine or not,stop beating around the bush and tell us,"said Jackson seriously,"um yes sir,the boy will be will be fine,but when I was treating him I saw bandages and wounds which means he was already injured,"said the doctor,"and it very suspicious that the child was walking alone at night,"said Jackson,"yes it is,I will be taking my leave, I will come weekly to check the boy's recovery process,"said the doctor leaving,"thank you so much,"said Calvin,"Just doing my job,"said the the doctor,"thank goodness the boy is alive,"said Calvin,"but why is he wounded and walking alone at night,"said Jackson,"we will find out when we wake,he will tell us everything,"said Calvin,but Jackson was already calling his IT friend,"hey what's up I need you to help me with something,"said Jackson leaving the room,"you never listen me Jackson,"said Calvin shaking his head.
Next day
"Mbali wake up we have to go to school,*no response*Mbali stop being a baby he is not even a part of our family,Mbali open now!stop ignoring me,If you don't open up right now I will destroy this door,"said Jabu angrily then he just left,"mom Mbali is being a baby she is not coming out of her room,"said Jabu,"oh this girl don't worry I will handle it you go to school,"said Mrs Mthembu,"Okey mom, see you,"said Jabu leaving,"bye my son have a good day,"said Mrs Mthembu,"now to handle my spoilt daughter.

"Hey guys what's up,"said Jabu,"yeah,hey where is Mbali, "said Themba,"she's being a baby because mom kicked out Khaya,"said Jabu rolling his eyes,"What!what do you mean your mom kicked out Khaya,"said Thulani, "they kicked him out,I mean why didn't she think that before and my sister is being a cry baby because his 'brother' got kicked out,"said Jabu,"how could you, do that what has poor Khaya done to you that you would kick him out on his home...he is such a good soul....what if he get kidnapped or rapped or killed....why are you like this,"said Thulani with tears in his eyes,"it because he deserves it, I grew up without a father because of him,I didn't get my father's love because of him,"said Jabu angrily,"you shouldn't be blaming Khaya you should be blaming your father for not giving you love,"said Thulani with that Jabu punched Thulani,"don't you dare speak about my father like that!,"said Jabu angrily students started to make a crowd,"because you know the wrong one is your father for not keeping his promise to your mother and went out to cheat with her best friend,"said Thulani, Jabu punched Thulani again and Thulani punched back and they started to fight and the students were shouting fight!fight!fight! "Guys stop fighting!"said Themba as tried to stop them but ended up being punched by Jabu,"J-Jabu did you just punched me,"said Themba holding his cheeks,"you're the one who was getting in my way,"said Jabu angrily,"Hey!hey what's going on here,"said the principal,"why are you two hurt,were you two fighting come to my office now!,"said the principal. Jabu and Thulani followed the principal,"I wonder what they were fighting about,"asked a student,"I heard Thulani said that Themba's father cheated on her mother with another women,"said another student,"and that women is Khaya's mom,"said another student,"wow so much drama, I wonder where is Khaya,"said another student, Stella heard the whole conversation,"so that why Jabu was bullying Khaya,"said Stella touching her lips.

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