Four Actors

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Character cards for Chasing Liberty <3

Character cards for Chasing Liberty <3

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Going to describe another dream I had

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Going to describe another dream I had.

So I was on a tour in the DPRK with some classmates and friends and we were standing by a wall waiting for our tour guide to do something. We were in a government building being shown around. There was a room to the side where Kim Jong-un was meeting with some Party members. Then he walked over and started talking to us. So to explain, when I first moved to Canada I couldn't speak English very well and it gave me what could be called social anxiety if I am being honest. But I'm not so it was just nervousness. In my dream I was having that exact feeling. Kim Jong-un was standing a foot away from me, asking us questions and I was turned slightly towards him, but determinedly not looking at his face and answering in the most clipped, military tone ever because I was being crippled by what was not social anxiety. I didn't know you could feel that in a dream. Then he asked if any of us knew how to draw, and my friends said, 'Oh, Miki-chan's a great artist!' And Kim Jong-un said, 'Come with me.' And I turned on a heel and followed him. Did not say goodbye to my friends. Did not tell the tour guide I was leaving. 'Follow me.' 'Yes sir, glory to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.' Actually very in character for me. So I followed him to this meeting room and sat in a chair next to him, and he handed me a paper and crayons and told me to draw something. But I immediately forgot what he told me to draw. And he had started talking to the other people again, and I didn't want to interrupt. So I panicked and drew a picture of 9/11. Planes crashing into the towers, fire burning. Eventually he turned and asked if I was done, and I handed it to him and the moment it left my hands I remembered that he had wanted me to draw a 'Walmart Supercenter.' I don't even know what that is. I think I visited a Walmart twice when I was in Canada. I profusely apologised, still being burdened by not-social-anxiety, but he just laughed and said it was well-drawn. Then he asked if I wanted to meet some Women's Union comrades, and obviously I said yes, so I spent the rest of the dream just following Kim Jong-un around as he talked to people, being plagued by anxiety the entire time.

I need a Kim Jong-il dream to complete the trifecta. I swear I don't dream of the DPRK every night, but every one of my dreams is just as strange as this.

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