Gap Moe?

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Working on the latest chapter - no

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Working on the latest chapter - no.
Drawing CCCP shirtless - yes. Clearly my priorities are in order. Some of you (you know who) will be very happy about this. You would probably be happier if I could draw shirtless men better though.

Another weird dream. Two actually.

So in the first one, I was in Castle Town from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. It was in the future part of the game so everything was run-down and apocalyptic and there were ReDeads everywhere (zombies, basically). I ran from a throng of them into a building and down a flight of stairs. At the bottom was a 1950s retro American house. So I was in the main room, there was a kitchen off to the side that had daylight pouring through the windows, even though I was underground and it was dark outside, and there were stairs in front of me. Then a woman's voice called 'I'll be right down!' in English. She sounded like a regular American woman with a light, clear, cheerful voice. But in that moment I felt sheer terror rush through me. I knew I needed to leave now. I turned and ran for the stairs behind me, but I went down the wrong hall, and into one that narrowed until I would have to crawl up a ledge and into a tunnel. I tried to do that, became terrified when I realized I could get stuck in there. So I tried to run back to the proper door, crawling back out. I fell onto the floor in the main room and there were feet in front of me. Just regular house slippers with the hem of a light blue, white polka-dotted dress brushing them. And in that moment I realized that I would go insane if I saw her. I knew that I was in a dream, but I also knew that if I looked up at whatever was standing over me and saw her face, I would lose my mind in real life. Then with all my might I tried to leave my dream, and suddenly I was sitting on my floor in front of my television, on the PlayStation 4's main menu. I had exited the dream like a video game. Then I woke up for real.

Part 2 of this dream which happened recently.

I was in the apartment bloc I lived in when I was in Russia, and my cousin's cat had escaped into the stairway. So I went looking for her, and found a cat that looked like her. But I realized it wasn't her, it was a different cat and it didn't look... right. But I followed it, hoping it could lead me to my cat. I followed it up and up and up as the stairs got narrower and narrower until they were barely wider than me. Finally I reached the top, and the stairs stopped, leaving a ledge that I had to climb onto. The other cat had vanished, but my cousin's cat was up there, so I jumped up and crawled towards her. Then I realized that there was an apartment around the corner. I peered around it to see a 1950's American house interior with black and white checked tiles and cheerful yellow flowers sitting in vases on a table, along with an old American lamp. The walls were the same shade as the flowers, and there was bright light pouring through the room, even though I couldn't see any windows. And there were cats sitting all over the apartment, staring at me. They looked wrong, just like the first cat. I got really unsettled and knew there was something not right about them. Then I heard a woman's voice, the same one as before, calling out that she would be right there. I could hear her coming closer, humming, moving through the depths of the apartment towards me. I wanted to grab my cousin's cat, but she was sitting right in sight of the apartment and I didn't want to put myself in the open. So I was reaching for her, desperately trying to reach her, and I realized I wouldn't be able to before whatever was coming reached me. And again, all of a sudden I knew it was a dream and that I needed to get out because if I saw her face I would go crazy, so I forced myself out into another dream.

So! Whatever that means.

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