Chapter Ten: Mirror Trick

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The Drey, Arboreas

The messenger from Amity arrived with the morning congregation of citizens. The red and white-clad young man arrived to many murmurings from the crowds, cutting past the neat line, all laden with gifts for the king, eager to receive blessings and answers to their issues. Jeremy had thought to banish the young man to the back of the line and not ignore the presumptuousness of the Amitian. None of the citizens bristled with anger, so he let it go. While the Carmine Sun was a powerful culture within Kingsdown, there weren't many temples, and owing to the distance between Arboreas and Amity, seeing an Amitian citizen was rare, if not completely unheard of.

The Duchess, lingering by the dais as usual, curtsied so low at the sight of the messenger, it was as if Cardinal Blythe himself had graced their halls with his presence. At a loss for words, the messenger sidestepped her and handed the scroll to Winn, who handed it to Jeremy.

' What does it say, Your Grace?' The Duchess purred.

' It appears we will be receiving a guest envoy from Amity in a few weeks'' time,' Jeremy read out loud to the intrigued courtiers and citizens alike. ' Apparently to reform our alliance and offer Amity's assistance.'

' How kind!' The Duchess preened, clapping her hands. Her friends hastened to follow her lead, loudly exclaiming the kindness of the Cardinal and the grace of Amity.

' For the dear Cardinal to come all this way! We must arrange a lavish banquet in his honour...'

' I doubt the Cardinal himself will be attending, m'lady.' Jeremy interrupted, to a titter from the gathered citizens. She ignored them pointedly. He scanned the letter again before handing it to her. ' It only says an envoy. I assume others are visiting the other kingdoms also?' he asked the messenger.

' Yes, Your Grace.'

' Well I suppose it cannot be avoided then,' he sighed, glancing across the room to where Cora hovered by the tall windows, overlooking the copse of blossom trees on the edge of the gardens. Once again, she was a picture, in a simple white kirtle dress, though she had begun to add dark blues and greys, as the mourning period for Casskade went on. Her cheeks were still pink from the gift that had been presented to her by a kindly elderly woman; a chatelaine adorned with talismans representing Kingsdown, an arrow, a horseshoe and a woven leaf. She had looked alarmed when the woman asked Jeremy permission to approach his betrothed, and though she had tried to refuse, the woman had insisted and Cora had accepted with trembling hands.

' Avoided?' The Duchess gasped, aghast and recovered from her disappointment that the Cardinal would not be attending in person. ' Of course, we cannot decline, Jeremy...Your Grace.' she hastened to correct herself at a sharp look from many of the lords who were not her friends. ' I will prepare for the envoy's arrival celebrations, Your Grace.'

Lord Dustin cleared his throat. ' Your Grace, perhaps your betrothed should take charge of the arrival celebration? It would be her duty, as your new Queen, after all.'

The eyes of the court and almost forgotten about citizens fell upon his betrothed, who to her credit stood firm against their mixture of disapproval and barely hidden mirth. She dropped a quick curtsy.

' I would of course be honoured to assist in any way, Your Grace,' she said. A murmuring of approval echoed through the citizens.

Jeremy smiled.

The Duchess scoffed.

' Your Grace, your guest has barely left her quarters since her own arrival. You expect her to arrange such an important event in your new reign? We will become a laughing stock amongst the seven kingdoms!' Behind her, her friends chortled coldly.

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