Chapter Thirteen: A King's Soul

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The Glass Palace, Vermillion

It was lucky that whoever built the Glass Palace built the gates and the city out of throwing reach. This was Diggory's findings as he watched the crowds outside the main gates. They had begun to gather many days ago, and had only grown in number since. The rumour about their new king had spread through Vermillion Mount like a plague carried on a rat.

King Diggory had been in Amity during the explosion.

One sentence that had combusted into dozens of embers drifting away into other stories and more elaborate ones at that. Rumours that the majority of his citizens did not like him.

Diggory disregarded the whispers and rumours that fractured from the first. He had never been overly bothered with matters of court and likability. Sure, he was attended by lords and ladies, dukes and duchesses, invited to every soiree or garden party that was thrown, and admired as the crown prince, but his blue blood was the reason for that kind of popularity, and he resented them for it. That was why he wanted Amaryllis back. He knew that she could only improve court. She had never treated him with reverence or admiration because of who he was.

' I want Lady Amaryllis to return to court as soon as safe travel can be arranged.'

The looks shared by his Dukes and generals told him their opinion and his answer before he had even finished his order. He leaned back in the high-backed chair at the head of the table, raising his eyes to the ceiling. ' Lady Amaryllis didn't wish to leave court in the first place. I will be writing to Lord Adena as a courtesy preceding my orders.'

' Your Grace, it is our understanding that the rest of the court would be uncomfortable with Lady Amaryllis returning to the palace,' one of his dukes, Duke Arkwright of Denebola, spoke up for the rest of them. All eight of the Dukes of Vermillion gathered around the long rectangular table that took up most of the room in the chamber, usually with the generals of each of the three armies of Vermillion. In other kingdoms, the Dukes or lords who sat upon the council remained at the palace, available for council meetings whenever the king, or queen, demanded it. In Vermillion, council meetings were once every six weeks, where the biggest issues could be discussed. The rest of the time, it was the sole duty of the king to dictate matters of state, for a blue blood was sacred and therefore knew what was best for the kingdom.

' Why?' Diggory knew why.

' We of course have nothing but respect for Lady Amaryllis, and for Your Grace's decision, but the scandal that surrounded her departure, and her...condition...we do not believe the people would be accepting of her.' Duke Arkwright stumbled to explain.

' Especially with Your Grace's kind favour toward her.' General Aimar piped up, his tone patronising as opposed to his nobles' simpering attempts of flattery. Diggory had never heard anything different from the nobility of the Glass Palace court.

' What would you have me do instead, General?'

General Aimar had been one of the three generals King Sylvester trusted to lead his three armies. They were stationed in garrisons in the east, west and south; one-hundred thousand men apiece. General Aimar once governed the eastern army, but now, with the other generals meeting their demise in Amity alongside King Sylvester, he governed all three.

He held up the red-bordered letter in two fingers.

Diggory knew the letter would arrive eventually. Knew that Amity would send an envoy. The moment of his coronation, he knew, and expected to see that letter every morning since.

' It is almost certain that the Amitian envoy will arrive with an entire list of beautiful, and more importantly, suitable and virtuous young ladies for Your Grace to pick a bride from. Perhaps even a princess.'

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