Chapter Twenty-Two: A Medium

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The West Tower, Powrie Dunn

' You understand the mistake you made, right Bree?

Yes, I understand. I thought of the kingdom and not the people.

And why was that wrong?

Because the people are the kingdom and should always come first.'

Deldry and Magnus watched as Bree paced back and forth across the floor of the latter's lab, resigned to let him work through the issues within his head. He was grateful to them for it. He didn't need someone else telling him off.

' And how did closing the colliery affect the people?' he said to himself in a forced gruff voice. ' If people can't work, then they can't buy food.' He replied in his own voice. ' Which is...?' he continued, in that drawling inflection he had heard far too many times in his young life. ' Something I take for granted.'

' Your Grace, perhaps you shouldn't be so hard on yourself,' Magnus said kindly.

' That's true. I am only twelve years, and doesn't that afford me a few mistakes?' Bree said. ' You are king now and can't use your age as an excuse.'

' Bree, it's got to the point where it feels like you're making light of the situation.' Deldry said. Magnus frowned at her. Bree stopped his pacing, throwing out his arms in frustration.

' I don't know how to work out what I did wrong, without his voice in my head!' he exclaimed.

The news of the riots that had taken over the Scinta Colliery had arrived that morning. The workers had been appreciative of the time off for the first few days, but the longer the colliery had been closed, the more frustrated they had gotten and that frustration had bubbled over into a protest that had lasted days already. The news had arrived with Duke Lichen, whose city of Basswood was the closest to the colliery. The duke had delivered the news with a smugness that had Bree cancelling their meeting and telling the rest of the court to go home.

' You don't need your uncle to tell you what to do.' Deldry told him. ' And this isn't a massive issue that can't be fixed. You just need to work out a happy medium.'

' A medium?'

' Between pleasing the people and keeping the peace with the other kingdoms, particularly Marinoss.'

Queen Marisol's troops were still stationed along the border, unmoving and unrelenting.

Bree fell into an armchair, slumping low into the seat. ' If I start up the colliery again, Marinoss might not be happy. If I don't start it up again, the people definitely won't be happy.' he summarised. Magnus and Deldry both nodded. ' The people aren't happy because they can't get their wages if they don't work, and they can't buy food without wages. Can't we just send funds until the colliery opens again?' Magnus and Deldry both smiled. Bree sat up in his chair. ' Is that it? Fund the people and keep peace with Marinoss?'

Whatever clever reply his companions had were lost to the loud knock at the door. Magnus called for them to enter and Ser Roche slipped inside, seeming relieved to see Bree in the oversized armchair.

' I'm here to ruin your fun again.' he said sheepishly.

Bree slumped again. ' This conversation was hardly fun.'

' Cleric Eran has requested an audience. He's waiting for you in the throne room.'

Bree rolled his eyes. ' Is he ready to apologise for using that ridiculous word?'

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