Chapter Twenty-Three: Trial by Fire

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Solaire Palace, Marina Fell

Unfortunately for Marisol's last nerve and to Persephone's waning amusement, Gabriel Fauxtus decided to remain in Marina Fell after his parents returned to their estate in Arimei. He was loud and charmingly agreeable, sauntering around court and greeting every courtier loudly each morning, when he wasn't chattering with Cleric Ako. It was insufferable and Marisol preferred to avoid him.

As the only son of a Duke, it was expected for Gabriel to join the royal and other highest ranking gentry of court at the Dawn Scorch. He stood close during the prayers and his hand brushed hers during the scorch. Afterwards, as they all walked back to the palace along the Gold Path, he gossiped with Marigold and she blushed pink until even Persephone was frowning. While Marisol held audiences with her citizens, accepting homage and settling minor residential and social disputes, Gabriel stood beside Persephone in her usual spot at the foot of the dais, as proud as a peacock and facing the crowd like he was already married to the Queen glowering at his back.

Marigold thought he was sweet and was thoroughly smitten, but that only fuelled Marisol's growing annoyance as his stolen touches and bright handsome smile became bolder and bolder.

' The farmers are reporting excellent crops this year already, and efficiency has doubled at the Ore Peaks since Your Grace's visit. Apparently, they have decided to name one of their new trains after you, Your Grace.' Duke Roose reported enthusiastically.

Marisol smiled courteously at the smattering of applause and words of approval from her advisors, risking a look to Persephone, who sat on the window seat pretending to read. Her friend gave her a discreet thumbs-up as she turned the page.

' We do also have some grim news from Seerfayre, Your Grace,' Duke Masterson piped up, standing from the table with a letter in hand. ' Our sources there tell us that there has been an assassination attempt on the Seerfayre royal family.'

' An attempt? What happened?'

' It isn't clear as of yet. Apparently, it is suspected that King Truett has been poisoned and is currently bedridden. The official story is that he has fallen ill but our sources have told us that the number of soldiers in the palace have tripled and whispers about poison are circulating the capital.'

Marisol leaned back in her seat, shaking her head. ' So soon after...what happened in Amity. This can't be a coincidence. The queen regent recently passed too, right?'

' Yes, Queen Audrey passed delivering King Truett's brother.'

' Such a shame,' Marisol sighed. ' The Seerfayre princess is Delilah, isn't it? I'll write to her.'

' Why, Your Grace?' Duke Grenely asked, bemused.

' So much loss could fracture such a young mind,' the young queen explained, already pulling a sheet of parchment in front of her. ' Also, it will be sensible to have a good relationship with the next in line to the throne in case King Truett succumbs to the poisoning,'

' I can't believe yet another blue blood has perished! It's truly inconceivable!' Everyone around the table started at the loud voice that burst into the room. Gabriel followed soon after, with Captain Ranoule at his heels, bowing and looking apologetically at Marisol.

She gritted her teeth in annoyance, waving back Persephone who had jumped up from her seat, book discarded.

' Lord Gabriel, is there a reason you are interrupting a private council meeting?' Duke Grenley exclaimed, affronted.

' As a prestigious member of the gentry I am permitted to assist with affairs of state,' Gabriel brushed Ranoule away and approached the table, smiling cheerily at Marisol. ' My Queen, I heard about the assassination in Seerfayre. The court is concerned for you, it's all anyone can talk about.'

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