Chapter 1

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(Elizabeth's POV)

Time seemed to crawl on the wall clock during that tedious board meeting. Dad took charge, presenting his plans for the company this month, and the rest of us, including Mom and myself, were mere listeners. I could feel every second pass by as I watched the hands of my watch glide at a snail's pace.

"I can't wait to escape from here," I thought to myself, feeling the weight of the Friday evening sinking in. Nobody wants to be stuck in a boardroom for an extra hour, listening to business plans.

"President? Hello? Miss Astor? ELIZABETH!" My dad's voice finally snapped me out of my daydreaming. I shook my head, trying to regain my focus. "Huh, what?"

I looked around, and the entire board stared at me with questioning eyes. "You would think the president of the company would be paying attention," remarked Jim, an older guy from marketing. My eyes rolled involuntarily.

"You would think someone I have the authority to terminate from the company would have a little more respect," I retorted with a smirk, drawing a few giggles from the room. Jim sank into his seat, embarrassed.

Ahem." My dad cleared his throat, his eyes narrowing at me disapprovingly. "What did you say, Dad?"

"We are planning a merger with Baldwin Enterprises," he stated. My curiosity piqued, I took a few sips of my now lukewarm herbal tea.

"If you were listening a moment ago, you would have known that your mother and I, along with the Baldwins, would like for you to be courted by their son." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and my reaction was reflexive as I spewed tea from my mouth.

"What! You're trying to betroth me to someone I've never met? All for a merger of our companies?" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet. The boardroom fell silent; even Jim was at a loss for words. Some of the women in the room gazed at me with sympathy. My eyes frantically searched for my mother.

"Mom, are you seriously considering this?" I walked over to her side of the table, seeking an ally.

"Yes, dear, I think it's a great idea. You're almost thirty, and Benjamin is a smart man. He's logical and strong-willed. He would make a fine suitor for you. I believe both of you can elevate our companies to new heights. You never know, you may end up fancying him," she said reassuringly, causing disbelief to wash over me. My parents were ready to trade me away to a man and a family I didn't even know, all in the name of business growth. I shook my head in disbelief.

"This is ridiculous!" I whispered, but the whispers of the board members could still be heard.

"Everyone's dismissed for the day!" I declared, and the room slowly cleared out. "Now!" I shouted, urging everyone to leave. As my anger swelled, I confronted my parents, unable to contain my frustration.

"Dad, are you seriously going to sell me to the Baldwins like I'm a piece of property? I want my marriage to be for love, not for business!" I seethed, and my parents felt the intensity of my emotions.

"Listen, Elizabeth, this is for the greater good of the family, of the company! You will do as I say, and that's final!" my father responded with authority.

"I can't believe this!" I screamed, grabbing my belongings and storming out of the room. As I walked to my office, I felt the stares of multiple employees, humiliated by my parents' announcement. This was precisely why some of the male employees didn't respect me; they viewed me as nothing more than an accessory to the company.

When I entered my office, Jennifer, my best friend since high school and the head chemist at the company, was lounging on the couch, engrossed in her phone.

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