Chapter 3

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(Elizabeth's POV)

The wheels of my car had been spinning along the pavement for what felt like an eternity. Finally, my GPS chimed, announcing my arrival. I parked before an imposing house, its grandeur echoing in the high-class neighborhood. Manicured lawns and impeccably kept gardens surrounded me. Was I truly standing in front of Benjamin Baldwin's residence? The sheer thought left me momentarily stunned.

Shaking off my disbelief, I stepped out of the car, my purse in hand. With a sigh, I approached the front door and rang the bell. Moments later, a kindly older woman with soft blue eyes greeted me.

"Good evening. You must be Miss Elizabeth. Mr. Baldwin informed me of your visit," she said warmly. Introducing herself as Mrs. Miller, the housekeeper, she welcomed me inside.

I followed her through the foyer, taking in the elegant surroundings that oozed opulence and sophistication. We entered what appeared to be a formal living room, and I smiled in polite acknowledgment.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Miller," I responded graciously.

"Would you like a drink, dear? Perhaps a cup of green tea or some coffee?" she inquired kindly.

"Tea would be wonderful, thank you," I replied, taking a seat on the tan and gold sofa. As Mrs. Miller left the room to prepare my drink, I took the opportunity to freshen up. From my purse, I retrieved a pocket mirror and red lipstick. Adjusting my appearance, I gazed at myself, making sure everything was in place.

Suddenly, a burst of energy entered the room in the form of a brown and white bulldog. Playful and exuberant, the canine immediately took a liking to me, jumping onto the sofa and showering me with affectionate licks. Laughter bubbled up within me as I patted and interacted with the cheerful pup.

"I see you've met Franklin," a deep voice chimed in from the doorway. Looking up, I found Benjamin Baldwin standing there, a smile playing on his lips.

"He's quite the charmer, isn't he?" I replied with a chuckle.

"Absolutely. And Franklin, meet Elizabeth," he said, scooping up the dog and engaging in a playful interaction that revealed an unexpected endearing side of him.

Seizing the moment, Benjamin moved to sit beside me on the couch, the bulldog still in his arms. Curiosity and anticipation hung in the air as I contemplated what this unexpected encounter might bring.

"So, Eliza, tell me, why the animosity toward me?" His question was direct, his eyes probing for answers.

"Eliza?" I repeated, taken aback by the nickname he had assigned me.

"It's a nickname I thought suited you," he replied with a grin.

My gaze remained locked on him as I considered my response. "I don't hate you, Benjamin. But I certainly don't appreciate our parents orchestrating a merger to unite our companies."

He appeared unfazed by my words, and a hint of frustration flickered in his eyes. "You know, I've already apologized for my behavior at dinner. What more do you want from me?"

"Actions speak louder than words," I retorted, my tone unwavering. "Words mean nothing if they're not backed by genuine actions."

Before he could respond, Mrs. Miller returned with a warm cup of green tea, effectively interrupting our exchange. Her presence offered a momentary reprieve, and I gratefully accepted the tea, allowing its comforting aroma to soothe my senses.

As Mrs. Miller exited the room, Benjamin seized the opportunity to continue our conversation. "So, Eliza, what's your relationship with Stephen Pierre?"

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