First Date| S1 Ep15

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"Kawaii~Chan!" Aphmau waved.

"Hey, Kawaii~Chan." Katelyn greeted.

"Hi, Kawaii~Chan." Sujin smiled.

"Hey Aphmau~Chan, Katelyn~Chan and Sujin~Kun! Ah! Aphmau~Chan," Kawaii~Chan takes out a book. "Kawaii~Chan wanted to give this back." She said. "Kawaii~Chane never got the chance to read the book before she saw the movie."

Aphmau takes the book. "It's no problem at all! What did you think?"

"Much better than the movie." Kawaii~Chan admits.

"I still can't believe you ship everyone in midnight." Katelyn said in disbelief.

"Speaking of shipping, Aphmau~Chan, Sujin~kun, can we talk about my ship with you and-" Kawaii~Chan gets cut off.

"Kawaii~Chan!" Sujin interrupts her friend. "We will never talk about that again!"

"No! We can not ever talk about that! Ever." Aphmau yelled.

"For a small potato, she got some spunk!" Dante commented.

"A spud and a potato are the same thing, Dante." Garroth corrected.

"I said she's got spunk." Dante said again.

"Oh. S-sorry. I wasn't really paying attention." Garroth admitted.

"You okay, Garroth?" Laurence asked.

"Yeah, you're kinda off right now." Dante said.

"Nu-no!" Garroth denies. "Really, I'm fine."

"Hmm... you know what? I don't think you are." Dante says.

"Huh?" Garroth asks.

"Every time we're around Aphmau lately, you've been acting weird. At this point, Sujin has been having to deal with your injuries." Dante crossed his arms.

Garroth pointed at Dante and said. "You can't prove that!"

"Yes, I can!" Dante smirked. "Remember that one time we were practicing potions in the library after school?"


"I have no idea how to mix these potions!" Garroth said.

Dante places down the potion. "Carefully, that's how!"

Suddenly, a bright light shines before slowly disappearing.

"Wow, Laurence, you made a giant puppy appear!" Aphmau yelled, sitting on top of the puppy. "You're amazing!"

Sujin eyes sparkled as she petted the puppy's fur.

"I can science smartly too!" Garroth yelled, picking up a potion that had purple liquid inside.

"No, Garroth, this isn't even science!" Dante yelled, trying to stop his friend.

Let's say Garroth and Dante were sent to the infirmary with Sujin lecturing thier ears off.

Flashback ends~

"Or that one time when we were at practice." Dante says.


Garroth threw a baseball towards Dante. The said boy ended up getting hit, falling on the ground.

"Garroth! Can you take it east! I'm new to the baseball team, remember?" Dante asked.

Garroth laughs. "That's why I gotta be extra hard on you." He grins. "You better watch out, or you might catch with your face next time."

Dante groans as he gets up. "Ugh, fine! This time I'll give it all I've got." He picks up the baseball.

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