Meeting FC | S1 Ep21

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Sujin is seen wearing headphones, listening to "Back for more" by TXT, Anitta.

While walking she was suddenly grabbed by someone. She swiftly turns her body, using her free hand to grip the person's wrist.


"Whoah! Calm down, Sujin!"

Sujin then takes notice that it was Garroth and Laurence. "You guys scared the heck out of me!" She released Garroth wrist. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine." Garroth assured her. "I shouldn't have did that in the first place."

Sujin noded. "So, what's up?" She paused her music on her phone, lifting her headphones down, around her neck.

"It's about Aphmau..." Laurence says. "She's been seeing three people..."

Sujin arches an eyebrow. "Okay? That'd be you two and-"

Garroth looks at her in confusion. "How did you know?"

"It's really quite obvious. Both of you likes her and she likes you back. I'm surprised you guys haven't noticed by now." Sujin states.

"But why didn't you say anything?" Laurence asked.

"One, it wasn't my business and two, I'm not a person to look into peoples love life." Sujin says. "And plus, I thought you guys would figure it out on you're own." She checks her phone. "I have classes in a few, so what's the problem with Aphmau?"

"I think we're being played." Laurence says.

Sujin eyes widens. "Are you being for real right now?"

"We are. We think she's seeing someone else aside from me and Laurence. " Garroth says.

Sujin looks at them in disbelief. "Aph wouldn't do such a thing. Who would she even be seeing aside from both of you?"

"Aaron." Laurence and Garroth said in unison.

"Aaron? You mean the delinquent? The dude who Aphmau complains about alot?" Sujin sighs. "Both of you are unbelievable. I've know Aphmau since day one, and I don't believe that for a second. You've both known Aphmau for half a year now so, what makes you think she's the type of girl to do something like that? For once, use your brain. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to get to." She puts on her headphones, unpaused her music and walked away from her friends.

'You guys should know better than to think Aphmau would do such a thing. Whoever started this better watch their backs.' She tightens her fist. 'No one messes with my friend and gets away with it.'


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