FC and Shu | S1 Ep22

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"Aphmau, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Katelyan asked.

Sujin cracks her knuckles. "Do I have to murder someone today..."

"What are you guys doing?! I-"

"Did he say anything mean to you? I swear, if he did, I'd write a formal complaint to the principal!" Teony says.

"Guys, seriously, calm down. Aaron and I are-"

"How dare you guys! They were so cute reading from the same book." Kawaii~Chan frowns.

"Are you crazy?! Kawaii~Chan, he was gonna kill her!" Katelyn turns to Teony and Sujin. "Did you see the way he looked at her? He was red!"

Teony and Sujin came to realization, remembering seeing Aaron actually blushing than getting angry.

"Actually. I think he might have been-"

Aphmau growls. "Enough you guys!" She groans. "Aaron and I are friends now!"

"What!" Katelyn and Tenoy exclaims in unison.

Sujin sighs, facepalming. "I'm such an idiot for not realizing sooner." She groans. 'I should've noticed the way they were both together today.'

"Mhm! That's right. It turns out wrong have a lot in common." Aphmau says.

"You? Friends with him? Aphmau, are you crazy? He's has been in so many fights!" Katelyn exclaims.

"Yes, but he never started any of them. He was just sticking up for himself." Aphmau defended.

"Yeah, but-"

"He's scary! Teony frowns.

"No He's not!" Aphmau denies. "He's a wolf on the outside  and he may seem rough, but he's a soft adorable fluffy puppy on the inside." She blushes.

"Are you blushing?" Katelyn asked.

"Huh, no I'm not." Aphmau denies.

Sujin crosses her arms. "Says the person who's red in the face."

Aphmau huffed. "Now if you ladies will excuse me, well talk about this later."

Katelyn gasped. "Are you crushing on him?"

"Mh mh mh. She's definitely crushing on him." Teony smirks.

"Hey! I- ugh! It's not like that!" Aphmau groans, blushing furiously. "Leave me alone." She turns away and exits the ladies room.

Teony and Katelyn burst out laughing while Sujin simply sighed.

"I'm getting out of here." Sujin mumbles, walking away and exiting the ladies room.


While walking in the hallways, Sujin spots Balto and Gene cornering Aphmau and Aaron.

"That's disgusting! I thought you didn't like me!" Aphmau exclaims.

"I don't. But someone here does." Gene smirks.

"Fine. You asked for this." Aaron glares at Balto.

"Aaron! Don't!" Aphmau yelled.

"STOP!" Garroth and Sujin yelled in unison.

Sujin stood beside Laurence and Garroth, glaring daggers at Gene and Balto.

"Huh?" Gene spots them and scoffed. "What do you want? Shouldn't you be in a corner sobbing over show she broke your heart?" He glances at Sujin. "And shouldn't you be in the ladies room touching up your makeup?"

"That's enough." Garroth glares at him.

Sujin grits her teeth. "Why I outta-"

"Calm down, Sujin." Laurence places a hand on her shoulder. He glances at Gene. "We hears and saw everything!"

Gene laughs. "Oh yeah? Prove it."

"We were recording the whole thing." Laurence grins.

Gene eyes widened. "W-What?"

"Darn it!" Balto steps away from Aaron.

"Let them go. Or else we'll show this to the teachers." Garroth treathens.

Gene scoffed. "Still getting that kiss."

"That's it!" Sujin runs up to Gene and kicked him in between his legs, alongside Aphmau, who punched him in the face.

The hispanic girl stood beside Aaron. "Nice thing about learing a thing or two from Sujin." She smirks.

Gene groans in pain, holding his crotch. "Fine. It doesn't matter anyway!" He looks at Balto. "Let's go, Balto."

The duo retreated.

"Garroth! Laurence!" Aphmah looks at the two.

"Aphmau!" Garroth smiles a bit.

"Thank you! Three of you. That situation could have really turned out worse. For them." Aaron laughs.

"Aaron!" Aphmau smiles.

"So, the rumors were true. You guys really are dating." Laurence says.

Suddenly, the duo received a punch at the back of their heads.

"No you idiots! Stop believing rumors and believe your friends more!" She scoffed.

Aphmau and Aaron winced.

"Never in my life have I seen Sujin this angry." Aphmau whispered to Aaron.

"I better not get on her bad side." Aaron sweat drops. "It's a long story, but Aphmau and I are just-"

"Really good friends." Aphmau finished his sentence.

"Oh..." Laurence slight groans in pain.

"See? Told you!" Garroth exclaims.

"Both of you knock it off." Sujin sighs.

"I wanted to talk to you two. I know alot has happened between you and Aph, but you shouldn't let your emotions get in the way." Aaron says. "Are friends?"


"What happened has happened. There were misunderstandings that could have been cleared up by just talking about them."

"No, I understand." Laurence sighs.

"It was my fault really. I kissed her without asking and told her not to tell." Garroth reveals.

"Yeah... I did the same." Lauren frowns.

"You both did what?!" Sujin snaps.

"Woah! Calm down!" Garroth puts up his hand, alongside Laurence. "We should of asked her first before initiating the whole kissing situation."

Sujin breathes off, keeping her emotions into contact.

"I just want to be friends with you guys again." Aphmau says. "Can we... start over? As just friends?"

Aphmau giggles. "Besides, you guys are too serious for a relationship with me."

"Serious? I don't have to be serious all the time!" Garroth says.

Laurence and Sujin began to laugh.

"What's with that voice?" Laurence asked.

"This is my not serious voice." Garroth said.

"Need some work." Aphmau chuckles.

Sujin giggles. "I actually find it charming."

"Why thank you!" Garroth smiles brightly.


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