- T H E Y F I N D O U T Y O U R ' E P R E G N A N T PT. 1

506 5 18

(it's gonna be your pov for all of them)


This cannot be happening


But we were being careful


Millions of thoughts rushed through my head head.
My heart racing, at the speed of light.

Is he gonna be happy?

Is he gonna leave me?

I'm so scared...

I took a deep breath and looked down at the positive pregnancy test.
Tears well up in my eyes. Thinking of everything that could go wrong.
I suddenly hear a knock on my dorm door.

"Shit" I mumble under my breath. "Love?" Mattheo says as he opens the door. I panic and throw the pregnancy test in the cabinet. I rush out of the bathroom and wipe my tears.

"Hey Matty b raps" (see what I did there 😂) I say as I put on a fake smile.
He gives me a weird look and walks up to me. "Hey...are you alright"
He asks concerned "of course, yeah. Everything...is fine"

"Your lying..." He says and looks at me comfortingly. "I...I have something
to tell you. But you have to promise me you won't get mad or...or leave me.

He looks at me confused. "Why-why would I leave you? What's wrong? What happened?" I take a deep sigh and I look at him. "I'm pregnant."
I blurt out scared for my life. Silence fills the room, Mattheo is just standing there, frozen. Not knowing what to say. "Please say something."
I say holding back a sob. Right when I think he's about to march out the door, a giant smile spreads across his face.

"Really!?! That's awesome!!" He says as he hugs me tightly and spins around. I laugh a little. "I'm gonna be a dad! Oh my God!"

I look at him and smile.
"Are...are you alright? How do you feel about this?" He asks.
"I'm...I'm scared...happy...nervous...I'm not sure if I'm ready though..."

He hugs me tightly and whispers in my ear. "Hey hey hey, it's alright okay. We will get through this. I'm nervous too...but...this is a blessing. Trust me"
I smile and kiss him.


Leaves you.


I woke up this morning with fresh barf (gross 🤢).
I never throw up in the mornings. And...I've been craving a lot of weird shit all day. I mean...Draco doesn't know anything of this...cuz...I never told him.

I know, I know. I probably should. But...I don't want to get his hopes up if it's nothing...right?
So, I bought a pregnancy test. I really hope I'm not positive. I mean...of course ill be happy but...there's so many things that I'm worried about. Like what if he doesn't want the baby, or leeavs me? I don't know...

I walk to my bathroom and I take the pregnancy test.

'damn. This is the longest 5 minutes of my life'

I think in my head. I slowly pick up the pregnancy test and read


I gasp and cover my mouth. I huck it across the room.
"Shit why did I do that" I whisper to myself and go to pick it up.
I pick it up and look at it again. I feel tears well up in my eyes.
How did this happen?

I mean...I know how it happened

But why did it happen!?!

I thought we were carful...

I think to myself, as I'm just staring at the positive pregnancy test.

'how the hell am I gonna tell him?'

I decided I'm just gonna go for it. I sit on my bed. waiting for him to come to my dorm.

'he should be here soon...he said he'd be here by 6...it's 5:57-'

That thought gets interrupted by my door opening revealing Draco. I stand up immediately and he notices my nervous state. "Hey darling...what's wrong" he asks as he slowly approaches me. "Draco, I need to tell you something but you need to promise me you won't be mad"

He looks at me and says hesitantly "okay...what is it"
"I'm...pregnant" his face drops for a second but i see a tiny nervous smile grow. "Your pregnant?" I nod my head nervously and he hugs me. "Yes yes yes yes yes! I'm gonna be a dad!" I laugh a little "are you happy?" I ask smiling a bit. "Yes of course I'm happy." He replies and I smile. "An I promise you...I'm gonna be the best father for our child...I'm not gonna end up like my father" he says. I smile and say "I know you won't Draco...you are gonna be the best father in the world."

I've been getting morning sickness...for the past 3 days
Enzo insists that I take a pregnancy test. Buuuuut I'm not really sure if I'm pregnant...I can't be....

Can I?

Enzo bought a couple of pregnancy tests for me to take.
"Enzo, what if they're positive?" I say with a nervous look on my face.
He smiles assuringly at me. "Then...we will get through it. Together. And I'll love you no matter what and...I would love to be the father of your baby"

I put on a half fake smile and nod my head. "Alright. Thanks baby" I kiss his lips and he kisses back. I pull away and walk into my bathroom while he sits nervously on my bed waiting for me.

2 minutes later...

What the hell?
It's literally been sitting there for 2 minutes and no answer?
What the fu-

My thoughts get interrupted as I look at the pregnancy test and gasp.


It said. Tears well up in my eyes.
"No fucking way..." I mumble under my breath.

"...nope. I'm taking another one" I whisper and grab the other one.
After five minutes of waiting I look at it and read:


I put my hand over my mouth in pure shock.
I feel like I'm gonna start sobbing .

"Enzo!!" I yell from the bathroom and my voice cracks.
He busts open the door looking nervous. "What's it say?"
I give him the test and a tear rolls down my face. Both happy, and scared.

He smiles and hugs me.
"It'll be okay" he whispered in my ear.
I pull away to look at him and say "you're happy though...right"
He smiles and says "of course I am. I'm gonna be a father." He says with the brightest smile I have ever seen.

Slytherin boys Preferences and ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt