- T H E Y F I N D O U T Y O U R ' E P R E G N A N T PT. 2

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I kinda want pickles.

With peanut butter...

That sounds really good right now-wait

Pickles...with peanut butter?

I... don't even like pickles...

I turn to look at Theo who is on my bed reading a book, while listening to music. Which honestly I dont even know how he does it. How are you going to focus on reading when you have fire songs playing? I don't know...

"Hey Theo?" I say and he looks at me. He smiles slightly. "Yes love?"
"Is it weird that...I kinda want...pickles..." "Pickles, what?" He replies.
"With peanut butter..." He gives me a weird look. "You don't even like pickles" he says still looking at me. Confused. "I know...weird..."

Then reality hits him and he says "wait...you threw up this morning...right?"
"Yeah...weird. I know. I never throw up" I reply looking at him.
He looks at me nervously, but with a little smile. "Well...what if your pregnant?"

I go wide eyed.


How could I be pregnant?

I mean...it makes sense I guess

We were also talking about pregnancy the other week...

"Pregnant?" I ask him and he nods and says "Yeah. Do you have any pregnancy tests left?" "Well...I think so" I say. My heart beating fast.
He smiles and says "okay then. You should go take it." "Well what if I really am pregnant? What are we gonna do?"

"We'll get through it. And besides...you did say you wanted a baby soon."
I laugh "I guess that's true" he smiles "alright. Now do you want me to come with you? Or will you be fine?" "I think I'll be fine." I say and peck his lips and walk of to the bathroom.

I go into the bathroom and close the door. I dig through my cabinets trying to find the pregnancy tests. "Where the fuck are they?" I mumble to myself.
After like 2 minutes of digging through my cabinets I find them. I open the box and look inside it.

Two left?

That's enough. I guess.

I think to myself and dump the box out on the counter. I take one of them and go pee on it. When I'm done I put it back on the counter and wait 2 minutes. I look at it and read


"Holy shit" I whisper quiet loudly. Well...loud enough for Theo to hear.
He opens the door and looks at the pregnancy test. He smiles wildly and hugs me. I start crying a little. I pull away from the hug and look at him.

"Your happy though. Right?" I smile with happy tears in my eyes. He smiles back and says "you betchya"

Oh no...

I think as I look at the positive pregnancy test in my hands Not knowing what to do, I just stare at it. How is Tom going to react? Will he leave me? Definitely seems like something he would do. Right? No...he loves me...right?

I just stand there. Thinking. With tears in my eyes. I mean...I surely can't tell him right away. I don't know what to do...

I put the pregnancy test back on the counter and walk out my bathroom and plop down on my bed. I just stare at the ceiling. Fighting with the urge to sob. Just when I'm about to mentally scream my dorm door opens, startling me.

Tom...of course he doesn't knock

I say in my head and I smile at him. He notices immediately I was crying
"What happened?" He says...softer, than I expected. "Nothing. Nothing I'm fine." I fake smile. He just simply shrugs and lets it go. "If you say so." He says and sits on my bed. He takes one of my books I'm letting him read off my desk and starts reading it. I just simply stare at the ceiling, thinking about how I should tell him. I'm to deep in thought that I don't realize Tom walking into the bathroom. Right after he closes the bathroom door I realize he just went in there. And I remember I just left the positive pregnancy sitting on the counter. I start to freak out then I hear him say from the bathroom.

"Y/N!!" He says loudly and I get up off the bed. As soon as I do that the bathroom door opens and he stares at me. "What is this?" He asks, he seems kinda angry and he points at it. I sigh with tears in my eyes and say "that is a... pregnancy test..."

His anger slowly disappears and his state gets softer "And...it's positive? And yours?" I nod slowly and hold back my tears. He just stands there. Not saying anything. Right when I think he's about to say something that will break my heart, he does the unexpected and hugs me tightly. I hug back.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks me and I could've sworn I heard his voice crack...maybe? "I didn't know how to tell you..." I look up at him "you not gonna leave me...are you?" I say with tears in my eyes. He kisses my forehead and says "no. No I'm not. I love you, and I'll be with you through this. I'm not leaving you. Ever" I smile "I love you too" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek and he wipes it with his thumb and kisses my lips.

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