"I L O V E Y O U" | E N Z O I M A G I N E |

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You were in your dorm, studying.
It was about 12am. you were trying to get your
transfiguration homework done. You knew it would be easy because....well....it's transfiguration.

Your roommate (you pick) was knocked out
cold. They were fast asleep. Snoring slightly.

You were about to start writing something down when there is a quiet knock on your door.
You look in the door's direction.
Wondering who that could be. You put your quill down and you get up from your seat and walk to your door.

You slowly open it to see your boyfriend, Lorenzo. Standing there smirking a little.

You and Lorenzo have been dating for about a month now.
He makes you happy...you love him. Well...you haven't told him that yet. Afraid of his reaction. Little did you know he felt the same...

You smile at him a little.
You walk out of your dorm and close the door quietly.

"Enzo, what are you doing here!? It's late!"
You whisper yell.

He laughed quietly.
He looks at the ground and quickly looks back up at you.
"Well, my love, I just thought maybe we could go on a walk. To the black lake or something." He says whispering quietly.
His scratchy voice filling butterflies in your stomach.

You look at him suspiciously.
"At 12:30am?" You ask. He rolls his eyes.

"You comin' or not?" He asks, laughing a little. You smile and say.
"Yes...I suppose so."

He smiles and takes your hand.
"Alright. Cmon then" He says and he starts dragging you out of
the castle, interlocking your fingers with his.

After a little while of walking, he sits on the grass. You sit next to him, leaning up against a tree behind you.
Lorenzo looks at you smiling a little and says.
"My love, how are you feeling today? I know you were feeling kinda down yesterday...I just wanna make sure you're feeling better."

You look at him.
"Oh yeah. I'm feeling better." He smiles.
"Well that's good." He says and looks at the black lake, just enjoying the scenery.
"Hey, did you know I could start a fire with sticks?"

He looks at you. "Huh? Wait really? Show me."
You smirk, laughing a little.
"Okay uhhhh..." You look around, looking for a stick. You find one and you pick it up. You look at him and smirk.
You turn the other direction so he can't see the stick, you take your wand out slowly and whisper "insendio" lighting the stick on fire.

You turn to him. He's laughing.
"You cheated! I thought you meant by hand!" You laugh.

"Well I didn't say by hand did I?!" He laughs. He gets up from the ground and starts collecting a bunch of sticks.
You watch him in amusement and he throws them in front of you.

"There. Throw the stick in." You look at him with an unsure look on your face. You throw the stick in and it bursts out into flames. You jump slightly. "Jeez..."
You whisper and he laughs.

"It's just fire, don't worry." He says smiling.

"Yeah, be lucky it doesn't burn the whole castle down."
He laughs again.
You look at him smiling.

''he has a really pretty laugh..."

You think to yourself.

His laughing dies down a little. He looks at you.

"You know i-"

"could i-"

You both say at the same time and you both laugh.
You grab another stick and start fiddling with it.

He rips the grass out from the ground and looks at you. Almost in...an admiring way. He smiles.

He laughs quietly and says

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He laughs quietly and says.

"What I was trying to say was that...I love you"

You slowly look at him. Smiling. "Really?"
You ask, blushing a bit. He nods. He looks at the ground before looking back up at you.
"Uhh yeah. No doubt about it."

You smile. "Wow..." He smiles a little and says.
"Anyway....you were going to say something?" You laugh and say.

"Yes! I was. Exactly that actually."
He sits up a little and looks you in your eyes
"wait really? You were going to tell me you love me?"

You nod. "Yeah...you beat me to it."
He chuckles.
"Yes...yes I did...and I do. I love you. So much." You smile at him before saying "I love you too."

He lifts his head up and pecks your lips.
He pulls away smiling at you. You smile back.

"Thank you...for taking me out tonight. I needed a break."
You say to him. He smirks.

"Anything for you, my sweet. Anything"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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