The Avengers

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Not long after, Loki appeared on Earth through the portal of the tesseract. After being told to put his weapon down he started to attack everyone there. He used the spear to take over Clint Barton's mind. Along with a few others. He made a few verbal exchanges as Fury was trying to stall for time, for the place to blow up and bury them all. But Loki got the tesseract and left. Loki eventually got away, along with the others whose minds he took over.

Asuna was having a fitful sleep in her bed back on Asgard, clearly having nightmares. She was actually seeing Loki killing people. That wasn't her Loki though, not the one she grew up knowing. She knew that he tried to kill his brother but that was something else. Something was very wrong with him. She just didn't know what that could be.

She woke up in a cold sweat with a jolt. She threw the covers off her and went to get something to drink. Trying to clear her head of the dream. She sighed, put her glass on the counter and went back to bed to try and get more sleep. But she was plagued with more dreams of Loki. He is somewhere underground, she thinks, and the spear he is holding has power going inside of him. She could see it, he was being controlled, she knew this for a fact, so that's what was wrong with him. No this couldn't be happening. Her love was alive and being controlled through his mind! She tried to call out to him but he couldn't hear her. He probably wouldn't even know who she is due to whomever was using him anyway.

She did her best to try and wake up, once she did she went to see Thor. "Thor! I'm sorry to wake you up, but I need to speak with you right away." Thor sat up quickly and grabbed his hammer, which was right next to him in the bed. "What is it?" He sat up, the covers pooling around his clearly naked waist. "It's about Loki." Thor's eyes, which had been closed, were suddenly wide open. "I'll be right out." Asuna turned and left, closing the doors behind her and waiting for Thor to get dressed and make a plan.

The doors opened wide moments later with a now clothed Thor, "Now what about Loki?" She sighed, "He's alive! I've seen him. And he's being controlled through his mind." Thor shook his head. "This can not be. Loki would never be so eas ily-" Asuna interrupted him, "I know it's hard to believe, but I saw it. He is on Midgard. He is killing people because of something else. Something very strong is controlling him. Using him for something." Thor nodded. "Alright, Asuna, I will try to get to Earth and see what is going on." Asuna hugged him. "Thank you, my friend. Please don't hurt him." Thor shook his head, "I will do what I have to do, Asuna." She sighed, nodding and left.

She went home. Shaking her head, trying to get the fear out of it. For him. She wanted to scream but wouldn't let herself. She had to be stronger than that. She was stronger than that. She made up her mind pretty quickly, she was going to Midgard with Thor to try and stop Loki. She changed her clothes, and went to find Thor at the end of the rainbow bridge ready to go find Loki. "I'm coming with you!" Thor shook his head about to protest. "Don't you dare tell my no. I may be the only one that can help him. Thor, I love your brother, I have for many many years. Please." Thor sighed, "Fine, Asuna, but if it gets too dangerous for you, please take cover somewhere, anywhere safe." She nods, and with that they were on their way. The Allfather using his power to send us down.

Thor was holding tightly to Asuna's waist so as not to lose her. They landed in a woodland area he wasn't familiar with. "He must be close by." Asuna nodded.

Loki was in Germany causing trouble. Causing a distraction for Barton to steal something. Making people run in fear.

Asuna and Thor were going through the forest looking for him. "Do you sense him at all?" Asuna shook her head. "Wait, he's in the sky." Thor swung his hammer and made lightning, flying up and had them land on a plane. "Get him out, Thor!" Thor nodded and went in and grabbed Loki and flew back out with him. Asuna saw them and jumped. Thor caught her and they landed. Thor let Loki fall on his back.

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