Avengers: Infinity Wars and End Game

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A few days later in the middle of a battle in Wakanda, Thor showed up with Groot, Rocket and Loki. White they were fighting Loki was trying to keep his mind on the battle. He knew he shouldn't but he asked some of the Avengers if they knew where Asuna was. They all glared at him, but said they hadn't seen her. He knew the reason for the glares and hoped to change that in some way sometime. "Do not worry, brother, we will find her. I promise. She is alright, I just know it." Thor told him, knowing it was hard for Loki to focus when all he wanted was Asuna and his family. Thor himself wanted to see that his sister was alright. It was Asuna alone that he stayed here, so that he could make the whole universe safe for her and their children.

Meanwhile in a forest in Norway, Asuna was teaching her daughter how to use magic. Not too high a level of magic, Unn was just a beginner after all, and Asuna didn't want to stress her body out with much more advanced spells. She was still mourning over Loki. "That's very good, my little love." She smiled at her daughter, so proud that she had the ability to use magic, much like herself and Loki.

Meanwhile, Loki found out the big purple asshole was there and did what he could to find Asuna. The only place he could think of was Norway. He made his way there to find his family.

Thor went after the big purple asshole and put his ax hammer in his chest. "You should have gone for the head." The big purple asshole snapped his fingers and was gone.

Slowly people started to disappear.

Finally Loki found his beloved and Unn...but their daughter started to disappear into dust. "NO!" Asuna screamed out. Loki tried to grab Unn before she was completely gone. "He will pay with his life." Loki turned to Asuna who was so pale. "Asuna, my love, no stress... I will get her back." Loki pulled Asuna to him in a tight embrace, as she sobbed her heart out. "Shh, my love, everything will be fine. But you can't let anything stress you out, think of our unborn child, please, my love." He rubbed her back to comfort her as best he could. "Thor and I will get her back, I swear it." Asuna nodded. Loki picked her up and took her into the cabin, that he was impressed with knowing that Asuna used magic to build it and there were spells on the inside to make it bigger than it looked on the outside. He put her down on the couch in the living room and held her. After a few moments he pulled her into his lap and held her as tightly as he could, hoping she didn't disappear as well, nor their unborn baby. He kissed the side of her temple and let her keep crying. "I want to tell you one thing, I know she isn't dead, my love. That I can feel." Asuna pulled away a little, "You are absolutely sure?" Loki nodded, "Yes my love. I would know." That alone comforted Asuna greatly, she put a hand to her belly and Loki did the same. "You still feel the baby?" Loki asked. "Yes, I do. I am still pregnant." Loki kissed her lips tenderly. "Good."

A few days later, Asuna was put on bed rest by Loki because he didn't want her to keep stressing out and lose their unborn baby. Thor came to their home to find out his niece was snapped away like many others. "I won't rest until I get her back. Loki, you are to stay here with Asuna. You can't leave her while she is pregnant right now. She will stress about you and could put herself in danger." Loki wanted to protest, it was his daughter Thor would be going after to try and get back, but Thor had a point. He needed to stay with Asuna right now. Keep her safe and be there for her. "Fine. But I want updates." Thor nodded, "Of course." With that, and a goodbye and a promise to Asuna he was on his way to try and get Unn back, and the rest of the 50% that was snapped away.

Within a few days, they did get an update from Thor, the big purple asshole was killed but Thor himself cutting off his head...sadly the asshole had used the stones to get rid of the stones. Asuna was absolutely depressed for days. Loki did his best to keep her calm and stress free. He comforted her as best he could, telling her their daughter was still alive and that she would come back to them. Their family would be whole again.

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