Thor: The Dark World

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Unfortunately, because of what Loki had done he had to pay for his crimes. Asuna knew that this was unfair, but couldn't speak up about it. She knew that if she did, Loki would be upset with her and she could be punished just as badly as he might, if not maybe more. Loki was placed in chains and walked to the throne room to be judged and punished by Odin. Asuna walked with them, once there she walked up to Frigga and stood with her. "I want to speak with him alone." Frigga and Asuna left, but Asuna didn't want to. She wanted to hear what was being said, but Frigga pulled her out to the hall. "He will be fine, my little love." Asuna hugged Frigga. "It wasn't all him. I broke the hold, I healed his mind, put up barriers so it won't happen again." Frigga nodded, "You did well, my child. Odin won't kill his son, despite what Loki may think, Odin does love him and won't kill him." Asuna nodded. "I love Loki more than anything." Frigga smiled, "I know. I've seen your future. You will be together." Asuna smiled sadly.

Before they could speak more, Loki was taken by them. "Dungeons." Was all Loki said, he looked at Asuna sadly. Asuna started to cry, but Frigga comforted her. "It will be alright, my little love, you will see him later, I will make it so. For now come with me, let's spend time together to ease your heart." Frigga led her down the hall and to the dining hall, where Thor was with his friends. Thor could tell that Asuna was upset. Asuna and Frigga sat together. Thor got up and sat next to Asuna and hugged her tightly. "I am sorry, little sister." Asuna hugged him back and started to cry more.

"Since you are staying in the palace, I will talk to Odin to see if he will allow you to see Loki whenever you choose. I feel you may be the only one to truly help him. You love him so deeply. We are but his family, not all families listen to each other, but you two love each other as soulmates." Asuna nodded, "I will do whatever it takes to help him, mother."

About a week later, Asuna was finally allowed to go see Loki. She ran down to find his cell and stopped in front of it. Loki didn't notice her at first. "Loki..." He finally looked up and saw her, jumping up. "What are you doing here?" Asuna smiled at him, "I've been allowed to see you, whenever I desire. Are you alright, my love?" Loki shook his head, "I don't belong in here." Asuna gave him a look. "My love, you know you do. But you know that your father put you here-" He cut her off, "He is not my father!" He yelled at her, something he had never done before, and he regretted it immediately. "He is your father, Loki. He raised you. Yes he didn't tell you who you truly were, but he still raised you." Asuna was cut off after her sentence was finished. "And put me in a cell, Asuna!" This time he wasn't using anger to yell. "He could have easily just as killed you, Loki!" She yelled back. Loki looked away, knowing she was right. "I didn't think you and I could fight..." She trailed off. "Asuna..." Loki looked back at her, "I'm sorry, my love." She nodded, "I'm going to go spend time with your mother, my love. I will be back in a few days." Loki looked sad at that, he didn't want to go days without seeing her. "You have my heart, my dearheart" Asuna told him. "You have my heart, my love." And with that she went back upstairs to spend time with Frigga.

Over the span of a few months, Thor was doing his best to bring peace to all the realms, and was finally home. Asuna was the first to hug him on his return. "Thor, my big brother." Thor smiled at seeing her and returned the hug. "Little sister, Asuna!" She giggled, and he lifted her up and flew with her, using his hammer, and going to the palace.

"How is Loki, my sister?" Asuna looked down. "He hates being in the cell and doesn't think he belongs there." Thor nodded, "Maybe one day he will be the brother I grew up with again. I know you want him out of the cell, maybe one day he will be. Maybe Father will have mercy." Asuna nodded this time. "I know if anyone can help him, it is you, little sister." Thor told her. He hugged her tightly and she buried her face into his chest. Thor was truly the best big brother Asuna never had.

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