Thor: Ragnorok

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Two more years later, Loki was lounging about while watching a play of what happened during his death. He was still pretending to be Odin. He understood why Asuna didn't want to be there. Also she seemed so tired lately. He told her to go to the healer. In the back of his mind...he knew most likely she was pregnant again, but this time it would be an issue. He was dead to everyone. They would come to the conclusion that either Odin had impregnated his son's love or Loki was alive and pretending to be Odin. He couldn't have that. He couldn't have people think she was a whore either, he would get mad...go mad...start hurting people to protect her honor. Which was something he didn't want. He wanted to keep Asuna and Unn as happy as he could. He loved them, they were his everything.

Loki, as Odin, watched as Asuna walked up to him. "Aye." Was all she said as she leaned down and then walked behind him. He didn't curse out loud. He wasn't unhappy that his love was pregnant with their second child, but he didn't want to deal with the outcome of others finding out the truth of him.

Asuna looked around, sensing something and saw Thor. She leaned down, but it was too late. Odin spotted Thor. Thor was chatting with Odin until Thor threw his hammer and caught Odin by the back of his neck and forced him in front of him. "Oh no..." Asuna breathed out. The guards looked like they were ready to attack, but as the hammer came back Odin changed into Loki and Asuna ran to his side. Thor caught his hammer before it could hurt either of them. He watched as a little girl went over to Asuna.

"Where is father, Loki?" Loki wouldn't answer until Thor backed him up to the couch that Loki had been lounging on minutes ago as Odin and put his hammer on his chest. "I know where he is."

With that, Asuna wasn't staying away from Loki, they all went to Midgard to get Odin. She thought maybe if he saw his granddaughter he might go easy on Loki. They were dressed in Midgardian clothes, standing outside a building that was being destroyed. Loki had his arm around Asuna while holding Unn's hand. "I swear I left him right here." Thor didn't look pleased at all. "Right here on the sidewalk or right there where the building is being demolished? Great planning." Thor said. "How was I supposed to know? I can't see into the future. I'm not a witch." Asuna giggled, she was a witch, and smiled. "Why do you dress like one?" Asuna and Unn laughed, Loki glared at his love and daughter, playfully of course. "I can't believe you're alive. I mourned for you. And you have a daughter." Loki looked away for a moment, "Actually you're going to be an uncle again." Thor looked shocked. "I told Loki just before you found out he was pretending to be Odin." Some girls came up and asked Thor for a picture. Loki rolled his eyes and Asuna kissed his cheek. "You're my hero, love." The girls seemed shocked that Loki has a young woman and a child by his side. Before Loki disappeared into the ground. "Loki!"

Thor picked up the card on the ground and they made their way to the address. Thor carrying Unn since Asuna herself was pregnant and Thor didn't want her to stress her body out.

They went into the building and were met by a strange man floating in the air. "You stay here, you and your daughter will be safe." The strange man went away with Thor.

Not long after and quite suddenly they were back down where she was. The strange man was making what looked like a portal. "Wow..."

"Don't forget your umbrella." Thor summoned his hammer. "And my brother." Loki fell to the floor. "I have been falling for thirty minutes." Asuna rushed to him and helped him up. Loki pushed her back a little as he made his daggers appear and was about to attack when the strange man made the portal that he has made come at them so they were forced to go through it.

Loki fell again and again Asuna helped him up, Unn running to him. Loki picked his daughter up in his arms and held her close. They all looked to see Odin at the cliffside watching the sea. Asuna watched her love and brother go to their father to talk. "Who is this daddy? He looks like you used to when you used your magic." Unn asked, Loki looked and felt so guilty. "It's your grandfather, my little love." Unn was picked up by Odin and he hugged her, she still looked like a Jotun, half Jotun actually. "We have another baby on the way." Asuna told him as she came to sit beside Loki. Odin could only nod, before he turned to gold dust and went into the wind.

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