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Hello Stay!!! This will be a very interesting story. I honestly have absolutely no ideas for this, the only thing I can really tell you is that this is a Family AU. Other than that I don't know. Who knows this story could become a complete flunk, or something decent. Well, the only way you could find out is if you read.  This story will have a new chapter out every Friday, hopefully. And if there isn't I'll let you know why. Let's get started.


Christopher Bang; Dad, moved from Australia to Korea, works in music production, 32

Minho Bang; Daddy, works at an animal shelter, 31

Changbin Bang; Jeongin is his favorite brother, the loudest, 6

Hyunjin Bang; most artistic, Seungmin is his favorite brother, 5

Jisung Bang; twins with Felix, Felix is his favorite brother, 4

Felix Bang; twins with Jisung, Jisung is his favorite brother, 4

Seungmin Bang; he's Hyunjin's favorite brother, the most sensitive, 3

Jeongin Bang; he's secretly everyone's favorite, most bubbly, 2

I can already tell you that there will be some homophobia in this along with some medical disorders. Any swearing will be kept to a minimum. No graphic scenes (if there is one I'll put a warning). And just a reminder I'm still legally a minor in my country.

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