Chapter 3 - Sicking

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Minho's POV:

I was gently petting Seungmin's hair, and the young boy passed out on my lap. After Chris got home, the boy had vomited a few times. Now, however, he was knocked out on my lap due to some much needed rest.

Jeongin was peacefully playing with one of Jisungie's matchbox cars on the living room rug. I gave a smile at his as he made vrooming noises with his mouth. I watched him tentivly, making sure that he didn't swallow the car by accident. That had already happened before with Felix. I carded my hand through Minnie's hair as his soft snors bounced off the walls.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar looking blue Tahoe pulling into the parking lot of our apartment.

Well, it's more like a penthouse than an apartment. We used to live in an apartment back when Changbin and Hyunjin were young. However, now that they're old(er) and are more active, plus we have more children. It just made sense to move houses. However, in all of our struggles to find a decent sized house, my wonderful husband managed to get us a bucket load of money. Apparently, or so he states; one of BTS's managers, Sejin, called Christopher's company. Supposedly, BTS's producer got sick and wasn't able to finish recording the members' parts. Somehow, in that mess, Chris was chosen to finish recording BTS's vocals. Their company was so happy with the results that they gave Chris a ton of money, meaning we could afford a bigger house.

I watched as both of the side doors opened, and my two oldest sons stepped out. A grin rested prominently as I then watched my jacked husband turn off the ignition and step out.

My smile fell though once I saw Changbin's face. It looked red and puffy. Why was my son crying on his first day of school?

As much as I wanted to go down and comfort him, I had a puppy sleeping softly on my lap.

I watched from the window as Chris wrapped one of his arms around Bin. I was going to hurt whoever made one of my babies cry.

Soon, I lost sight of them as they entered the building.

"Daddy wook!" Innie stood up and wobbled his way over to me. He thrusted into my face two of Jisung's matchbox cars. The wings on both of them had be fitted together, making them look connected.

I patted his head. "Good job, Innie. They look beautiful."

He smiled, making his eyes disappear for a couple of seconds.

A large beeping sound buzzed through the apartment, signifying the troublemakers were home.

"Dad!" Jeongin dropped the cars he was holding as he ran, well ran as fast as a two year old could, over to the door.

I heard the door click open as voices flowed through the penthouse.

"Hello Innie! I'm back," I heard my husband say.

Some shuffling was heard before Changbin stood at the doorway. My assumptions were proven correct when I saw his tear stained cheeks. His face was all puffy and red.

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