Chapter 4 - Birthday Mania (PT.1)

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School had been going fairly well for the boys. Seungmin had gotten rid of his sickness, and Hyunjin was able to get the paper finished he needed for school. Things were finally looking up for the family.

Christopher's POV:

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. Today had been a slow day, mostly because the groups I mainly worked with were on tour. I mean, my main groups like ATEEZ and GFRIEND weren't on tour. I had a few other groups outside of KQ Entertainment that I worked with, like ENHYPEN, Itzy, or even BTS, that I did stuff with occasionally. My job did mainly focus around ATEEZ and GFRIEND.

Putting my thoughts aside, I pulled up, turned to my computer, and looked through some birthday ideas for the kids. Seungmin, Jisung, and Felix's nearing the corner. The next thing I would know, my boys would be all grown up.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I heard someone slamming my door shut.

"Hey Channie!"

I mentally sighed, knowing who it was. That person also happened to be the reason I was in this field of work.

"Good morning, Eden," I greeted, spinning my chair to face the door.

Eden fell back onto the couch we had in my recording studio.

"How are the kids doing? Eden asked me as he twirled his pen in his hand.

"Fine, I guess. Jisung and Felix started preschool." I shrugged. The last time Eden saw them was before Hyunjin started going to school.

"Well, I was just talking with Hongjoong, and somewhere along, we were talking about birthdays, and I mentioned your kids." Eden explained very excitedly. "Basically, then Hongjoong offered for him and his members to have a small party with your birthday boys and meet them."

I nodded, quite thankful for the suggestion. To be honest, when having six kids, you have to start thinking about money. Because if we have say a bog birthday party in the spring for Jinnie, when it comes time for Bin's birthday we might not be able to have as big as a party due to financial fun.

"Sure," I smiled at Eden. "Tell him I think it's a fantastic idea, and by doing this, he's actually helping me and Minho out a ton."

"Actually, you can just tell him yourself,"


Eden put the pen down he had been twirling and stood up.

"I need to run home and take care of something, but I have a meeting with ATEEZ. So I was thinking..."

"You want me to take over your recording with ATEEZ hyung?" I smiled, knowing that he probably was just making this up on the spot. "Sure."

"Thanks, Chan," Eden smiled before heading towards the door. "They'll be here in twenty." And with that, he left my room.

I cringed at him, calling me by my Korean name. Which was not something I was proud of. Partially because my parents abandoned me when I came out to them as gay and told them I was moving to South Korea. It's not a good relationship.

Eden sort of like took me in when I first came. He raised me like my father should've.

I decided to start arranging things for the recording. Even though ATEEZ was one of the main groups I worked with, I normally got paired with GFRIEND.

I worked on pulling up the lyrics the members would be recording on my computer. I also adjusted the mic in the sound booth, knowing that Yunho was probably going to record first. Sighing, I untangled the headphones cord that always hung outside of the booth.

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