CHAPTER -16- The result day

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There was a crowd of students near the notice board and why not, the result has come today.

Just then Siya and Aditi come that way to see the result, everyone makes space for them.

Aditi:-Why are they all looking at us in such a strange way?

Siya:-Like always I came first, so maybe

Siya stands there and Aditi goes closer and looks at the result board.

At the same time yuvraaj and siddarth also come near the result board

Rajveer comes and stands near Siya.They both smile at each other.

Then Siddarth screams with joy, hugs Yuvraaj and says,

Sid:-Wow yuvraaj and rajveer you too, both have come first in the academy, congratulations.

Yuvraaj and rajveer smiles lightly and Siya gets surprised.

Aditi congratulates both of them.

Aditi hits Siya lightly with her elbow due to which Siya comes back to her senses.

Siya:-Then what is my rank?

siddarth says jumping with joy,

Sid:-For the first time in life, you have come second and Aditi has come third.

After that Aditi says in return,

Aditi:-At least I came third, not last.

Then he says,

Sid:-But I couldn't understand that all three of us studied together and both of you came first, why didn't I also come first?

Rajveer:-Because your focus was more on Yuvraaj than studies.

Siddarth says with a pout,

Sid:-But still I improved, I always came last, this time I came second last.

Hearing this everyone starts laughing.

Then suddenly Siya says something which shocks everyone.

Siya:-Congratulations युवराज

Coming out of this shock yuvraaj says with a slight smile

Yuvraaj:- Thank you

To humiliate him Siya says in return,

Siya:-This congratulations was for the Crown Prince, not for you.

Yuvraaj feels embarrassed after hearing this ,then rajveer takes control of the situation and says,

Rajveer:-I should thank Yuvraaj because if he had not been there then how could we both have broken Siya's record.

Then he said to her in a slightly harsh voice

Rajveer:-siya, your way of addressing was not correct, you looked at yuvraaj and said, for me, even I got confused by this, so don't you think that you should apologize to him?
A queen-to-be should have at least this much etiquette.

Siya gets embarrassed and sad after hearing this because Rajveer scolded her in front of everyone.

Siya says holding back the tears in her eyes to Yuvraaj with folded hands in apology

Siya:-हम अपने दुर्वव्यहार के लिए आपसे क्षमा मांगते हैं
(Siya:-I apologize for my misbehavior)

Yuvraaj just keeps looking at her tearful eyes without saying anything.

Then she folded her hands towards Rajveer and said politely,

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