CHAPTER -29- Her Rana Sa

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It's been a week since all these incidents happened.

It's already midnight and Siya, without taking any rest, is sitting there holding Ranveer's hand waiting for him to come to his senses.

Raghu treated him as soon as he came to know about the poison. Ranveer is so strong that he has not died from the poison but at the same time he has not regained consciousness yet.

With tears in her eyes, Siya said to her unconscious Ranveer ,

Siya:-This one week seems like a year, now come to your senses, I never thought even in my dreams that your silence would hurt me so much.

Then she smiles to herself and says,

Siya:-एक बार न आप होश में आ जाओ फिर देखना मैं हमारे सारे आंसुओ का बदला लूंगी, आपको भी इसी तरह तड़पा कर जैसे हमे तड़पा रहे हो

( Siya:-Once you come to your senses then see, I will take revenge for all our tears by torturing you in the same way as you are torturing us.)

Then she gently strokes the hair covering his forehead and gives him a light kiss there.

Keeping her hand at the same place, she smiles a little and said,

Siya:-जल्द ही ठीक हो जाओ, आपके मुंह से बीवी शब्द सुनने की राह देखे जा रहे हैं हम

(Siya:-Get well soon, I am eagerly waiting to hear the word biwi from your mouth.)

Like this, two more weeks pass, Ranveer is still unconscious, Siya also holds Ranveer's hand every night and keeps telling him about all the things of the day.

And at the end, like always, she strokes his hair gently and kisses his forehead.

But during this time he speaks with his eyes closed,

Ranveer:-हमनें तो आपसे पहले ही कहा था कि कहीं आधी रात आप मेरा नाजायज फ़ायदा न उठा ले और देखिए यही हुआ न

(Ranveer:- I had already told you that you might take advantage of me in the middle of the night, see it happened.)

Siya looks at him with a surprised face as he opens his eyes and looks at her with his usual iconic smirk.

Siya looks at him with a surprised face as he opens his eyes and looks at her with his usual iconic smirk

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He tries to sit on the support side of the bed board then Siya helps him to sit properly.

He smiles and says ,

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