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Y/n: "Talking." "Thinking."

Minor actions/Descriptions

Major Actions


Bonesborough 9:00 AM

Eda, King, and Luz were working in Eda's market stall, Luz was reading one of her fantasy books to King.

Luz: "Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton-candy skies and shouted, "I challenge you to a Witches Duel." And look I drew a flip book."

Luz began to rapidly flip between the pages making silly sounds as she did. King placed his claws on the book and attempted to look over, but he was too short.

King: "Show me the picture."

Luz raised her head and noticed the little guy staring.

Luz: "What?"

King: "Show me the picture."

Luz flips the book around proudly presenting it to the boy who only scoffs. 

King: "Huh! I can draw better than that." You know they once called me the king of artists."

King stands on the stall and triumphantly waves his hand gesturing to the isles.

Luz: "Wait. I thought you were the King of Demons. 

King's eyes widen and he begins to slouch over.

Luz: "Are you just making this up now?"

Luz looks at the demon with a mischievous grin, in turn, King spins around.

King: "Doesn't matter. What's important is that my followers would leave me offerings in fear of me."

King gets into a stance trying his darndest to seem intimidating, it only makes him look cuter.

Luz: "Well I can offer you more of this tantalizing book."

Eda: "Ugh! Please stop reading that. Its flowery language is an insult to witches, and driving away all our serious customers!"

Eda shakes a feather duster in Luz's face.

Luz: "Uh, Eda what customers."

The street on any other day would be filled to bursting with witches and demons was empty.

Luz: "There aren't even any other stands around. What's going on?"

Eda: "This is a bad omen. There must be something horrible happening today."


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