~Who is She?~

504 17 180

Wc: 2095

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Have a good day/afternoon/night!

I glanced at the clock on the wall. I texted Veneer about a few hours ago and told him not to take me home. After a long and drawn out cry session- I calmed myself down. It's okay that she doesn't love me back. Sure, it hurts. But that's okay, things like this happen.

I was picking up papers off the floor, trying to ignore the world of trouble I was going to be in with HR for even considering ripping these apart. I sniffled, looking out the large window behind me. The town was quiet, and I could make out the twins pent house. I sat the papers down on the desk, not removing my eyes from the house.

I shuffled my way across the room once again, pressing my fingers to the glass. It was freezing. For a second, I recoiled back at the cool touch. Slowly, I pressed my forehead against the frigid surface. I let out a shaky sigh, watching as my breath clouded the window. Bringing my finger back up, I drew a two dots. Then a curve going downward just below.


I giggled a bit and how stupid the tiny face looked. Using my sleeve, I wiped away the mist. Backing off of the glass, I turned to leave the room. I needed a drink. But of course, that goes against my waver when I signed my life away to being Velvet and Veneers half assistant half bodyguard.

I almost struggled getting to the elevator. All the crying and screaming silently must of made me dehydrated. I pressed the button, thankful that the building was empty and the door opened automatically. I walked inside, pressing the button that sent me to the first floor. I sighed, contemplating even going home. A walk would get me home in about two hours.

I reached into my pocket, opening up my phone. I felt a pang go through my heart looking at my Home Screen. I changed it one day after Veneer took a picture. I had my head laying on his shoulder while he held the phone up. Velvet was in the back, a small smile on her face. We took a million photos that day- but that one was the only one we were able to get with Velvet smiling.

I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the feeling of crying again. I pressed the contacts, scrolling all the way down to the V. I pressed on Veneers name, watching as my phone lit up. I pressed the small speaker button. It rang for what felt like forever, before a sleepy sounding Veneer picked up the phone.

"Hello..?" I giggled at his tired voice, but even that small noise sent him sounding a lot more awake than before. "[Name]! Are you okay? I know you said not to pick you up so I went home but like..isn't your house super far away?"

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Yeah. I was wondering if you could pick me up..? And if I could crash at your place, if that's okay. I'm not feeling too hot." The phone hung up immediately. I took that as a way of telling me he's on his way. Almost instantly, the elevator doors opened to show the dark interior of the first floor.

I walked up to the doors leading outside, walking through them. The cool air of the outside kissed my face. I shook slightly as I sat down on the even colder sidewalk. Snow I huffed out, watching my breath show up in a misty appearance.

Veneer. He's an amazing friend. I wish Velvet could only see what Orchid is doing to her. Me and her were going to..she was going to be my girlfriend. And of course, orchid came crawling back and Velvet fell right into it. I understand she's in love with her- but can't she see? Something's not right. Why does she want to be with Orchid so badly?

𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰 𝔪𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔤𝔬 (Velvet x Reader) (Trolls Band Together)Where stories live. Discover now